Example sentences of "[adv] see these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to see not cutting cutting costs raise in income and finally I 'd can only see these things coming coming about with the resignation of the five people on the stage tonight . .
2 On finally seeing these creatures , mating in the high forest canopy like cataracts of spun glass , we found them to be transparent with a deeper meaning , something which lay beyond them , in the undiscovered wisdom of the islanders themselves .
3 Ladislav had not seen these photographs before .
4 ‘ Perhaps we do not see these things as clearly as we should , Herr Wolff , ’ she said to soothe him .
5 The Lords did not see these factors made a difference .
6 As will become clear , I do not see these questions as independent of each other , but I think it is helpful to try and consider them separately as well as in interaction .
7 In other words , unless one is a special scholar or a night watchman , one does not see these collections .
8 Although you can not see these marks on screen ( some word-processors do , however , give you the option ) , you must be aware of their existence when editing a document .
9 I was one of her daisies and it meant that we had all these hats on , which were very unattractive — a rubber hat and on top was the daisy , so when you swam around and the people looked down at you , they just saw these daisies .
10 Have you ever seen these rings in tree stumps ?
11 Have you ever seen these skills matrix before .
12 Traditional crafts are still practised in the Jewellery Quarter , and at the Discovery Centre you can still see these skills in action and learn about the history of the area .
13 And the light room the machine case where the machine for revolving the five the lens which er weighed about five tons and there were this machine revolved the lens and it was machine was solid brass erm just which had to be polished e e every week and er oh beautiful brass polished brass and nobody ever saw these things you know except maybe the commissioners when they came round no no visitors there .
14 That was when we usually saw these cases — when it was too late .
15 When historians contemplate the widespread monastic reforms of the tenth century , they often see these reforms as an ideal instrument by which kings and bishops could counteract the power of the lay aristocracies in the regions .
16 When we were in port he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore for as long as I wanted : " After all , you 're here to see these places .
17 We tend nowadays to see these generations not merely in terms of the underlying electronic technology , but also in terms of the organization of the hardware and software involved in a computer system ; thus the transition to the fourth generation can be seen more as a change in the way that computer systems are organized ( with the use of such techniques as virtual storage and distributed intelligence ) , than as a change in the underlying technology .
18 We did n't see these worksheets as just to be doled out , but as positive steps to increasing children 's awareness of the library and how to use it .
19 He was also very fond of flowers , and as well as things such as marigolds , pansies , marguerites and wallflowers , he grew a rose one does n't see these days , which was very white when it first came out and then developed a lovely flush of pink .
20 Many advice workers are unaware that they have had a democratic part in the policy decisions that have adopted these training requirements and some even see these demands on them as a personal affront .
21 I used to walk along there to see these rabbits I think the name was and they , it was a barber 's shop that had got these sold all sorts of pet things and that I used to , then I used to come home that was my Saturday morning , but I always used to go in up to the news line .
22 We have previously seen these peaks in material derived from human antrum where they are generally less than 5% of the total .
23 ‘ Why did nobody else see these footprints ? ’ he asked .
24 " It 's all confidential , " she says , " you do n't need to tell me anything If you do n't want to and nobody else sees these records .
25 It was quite refreshing to see and read that someone else saw these things and could articulate them in a better and more entertaining way than I could
26 A number said that they would find self-motivation and discipline difficult and would never see these forms of learning as substitutes for practical , participative training .
27 Besides , Isabel comforted herself , as she concealed her ringless left hand in her skirts , she would never see these people again anyway .
28 Sometimes I thought they could actually see these people , as they talked .
29 Too see these premises re-opened and repaired would indeed improve the appearance of this area of the town .
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