Example sentences of "[adv] see [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Was Margaret Mead ( 1935 ) right to see woman as ‘ an infinitely malleable clay figure upon which mankind has draped ever varying period-costumes ’ ?
2 I called in to see Dad before coming here and while I was there an insurance investigator called Tom O'Neill came to see him .
3 Indeed , just before his interview with Meese , he had dropped in to see McFarlane in his office precisely , McFarlane thought , to agonize over the fact that the diversion was a matter of record : ‘ I put it in a memo to the Admiral . ’
4 She was to call him Tom from now on , he had said … she had walked him to his car after he had dropped in to see Faye over lunch .
5 It 's these lectures which finally unbalance Bob Roberts , which shifts from crisp satire to stodgy tract under the sheer density of Robbins ’ disgust with US politics , losing along the way the warped rock ‘ n ’ roll and documentary trappings which give bite to the first film intelligent enough to see assassination as a career move for the victim .
6 Then , after the party we went along to see Man at The Lyceum .
7 ‘ I would love to have seen 400,000 kids coming along to see Kylie on this tour , but it just is not possible , ’ said Waterman .
8 I went down to see Will at ten o'clock after
9 The commercial company created by Lord Burghersh to run ‘ Sporting Glory ’ and rent the facility went bankrupt , owing money to printers , the V&A ( it has only seen part of its £100,000 rental fee ) and , of course , the backers .
10 Juliet had only seen windows like these in stately homes .
11 He says he 's only seen sunflowers in the United States so he went home and got his camera to take some pictures .
12 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
13 Cnut 's absence had obviously seen unrest in the area , but unless it was connected with the return of the ætheling Eadwig ( date unknown , see above ) its nature is obscure .
14 Like , how do you know what goes on , like with , dolphins , with whales , with all sorts of species of animals , like we do n't know , well we 're so dense we can only see things like this !
15 This night prowler has a low density of cones in its retina and so can only see colour in objects which fill a large part of its field of view .
16 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
17 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
18 There will be times during a good investigative session when they need to draw several quick diagrams perhaps , or they may suddenly see connections between things which they can not yet explain but need to indicate immediately .
19 He apparently sees Novell as the Grinch who will steal open systems .
20 William had to fight a much more serious war in Ireland , where the Catholic majority naturally saw James as their best hope for power ; the successful defence of Londonderry and the victory at the Boyne in 1690 became immovable parts of the Protestant tradition ; the Treaty of Limerick and the Protestant failure to honour the treaty 's promises of religious toleration became unforgettable parts of the Catholic view of the history of Ireland .
21 He started his tour in Cantyre and only saw Islay from " the lumbering old coach which still runs between Campbeltown and Tarbert " and dismisses it in a single page of material which he could have taken from anywhere .
22 He started his tour in Cantyre and only saw Islay from " the lumbering old coach which still runs between Campbeltown and Tarbert " and dismisses it in a single page of material which he could have taken from anywhere .
23 So Anne stayed at home , and only saw Diana in the evenings .
24 I only saw highlights on match of the day , but from what I saw , the play was amazing .
25 So when Fleischmann and Pons announced test-tube fusion as a source of energy — which was the ‘ angle ’ that the media took up and portrayed it as a clean source — the news that they apparently saw tritium as a fusion product was lost on most media , but it made many scientists concerned and others excited .
26 The release of additional space has allowed 150 rarely seen works to be brought out of store , restored and with contemporary frames intact .
27 Cities & Deserts : Travels in Oman , Jordan & Libya , portraits and landscapes by Ann Jousiffe which reflect the cultural diversity of the Arab world , including rarely seen images of Libya ( 4–29 Feb ) .
28 It was not fun enough for the fans , nor artistic enough for the art loving public ( or so it seemed from the vulgar poster and catalogue ; actually , it contained some wonderful and rarely seen pieces of silver ) .
29 Not seeing Fen for weeks or seeing him and knowing the futility of it all .
30 Leith asked promptly , sometimes not seeing Rosemary for days , but missing her now she was n't around .
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