Example sentences of "[adv] go [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He 's probably a prosperous American businessman prosperous enough to go to international conventions : try all the American and international reference books in our library then the London Library .
2 As you near the end of your first video safari , the low-battery warning in your viewfinder may begin to flash , indicating that you have not long to go before switch-off for the day .
3 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
4 What does , what what only goes into conventional memory not into expanded ?
5 The peo the machine only goes off bad if somebody has n't been maintaining it .
6 I did not go to playschool or kindergarten so going to primary school was a big event in my life .
7 For the best midfielder in the country I 'd be looking closer to 5–6 mil especially if he went to Rangers or abroad — but personally I would n't sell him , so going on past experience that means Wilko will get rid of him before the end of the season .
8 Social commentators noted that this phenomenon was not new : bright colours and rising skirts apparently went with good times whilst body concealment and drab tones accompanied depression .
9 ‘ I only go to small shops now .
10 Erm , there is in fact a , which a number of members have referred to , there is in fact a hundred and fifty thousand being spent this year on day care capital as a result of the two and a half million package which members agreed in October and that has obviously gone to voluntary organizations for them to spend .
11 Although preliminary speculation was that the crash might have been caused by a bomb , accident investigators revealed that the plane had nose-dived after the right engine suddenly went into reverse thrust ; electronic safety systems designed to cope with this had apparently failed , and a warning light had either malfunctioned or had not been believed by the pilot .
12 Recently , for instance , the GHI Taste Panel tucked in to ready-made Christmas cakes ( see page 107 ) , while two more GHI researchers literally went into cold storage ( -18°C ) to test out the thermal properties of the vests featured on page 105 .
13 The only rule here is not to go for exaggerated styles .
14 The only rule here is not to go for exaggerated styles .
15 He thought he had programmed his body not to go for intellectual types — that is , if any woman could be described as intellectual .
16 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
17 It is noteworthy that old people may not always have a sense of choice about whether or not to go into residential care .
18 Police are advising people not to go near eastern Paris on Sunday because of the massive congestion that is expected .
19 Their search took them to six countries , with the contract finally going to Toronto-based Lovat .
20 The behavioural view says we behave as we do ( for example not stealing , not hitting others , not spitting in dining rooms , not going about naked and so on ) because we have learned to behave this way .
21 Now with diabetes there 's two types , too much sugar and too little sugar now diabetes erm , Irene said to you , erm is controlled by the insulin in the pancreas in the stomach , it throws out this insulin the liver throws out the sugar and I 'm not going into actual detail , but if there is too little insulin then it is allowing the liver to send out too much glucose , so if , if the person has got this erm pancreas that is n't churning out insulin or too little then your person will have sugar diabetes .
22 No it 's not going on loud Charlotte , I do not want to be deafened by Michael Jackson thank you , I think that 's quite loud enough
23 You 're not going with wet hands .
24 Even so , the jobs located in the cities were not going to inner-city residents but to people who lived in the leafy suburbs .
25 Yeah because I do n't think anything will will work unless it 's what the people who are living in the circumstances and living in the situation erm , if it 's not going to relevant to their lives then , you 're wasting the money .
26 But these are the sorts of things and I 'm not going to great detail because the training course does that , these are the things that they will blow you out on .
27 ‘ I 'm not going to bandy words with you .
28 New jobs , particularly in financial and professional services were being created in the City and in Docklands but were not going to local residents .
29 We no we 're not going to soft play today .
30 Remember that we are adjusting to the track rhythm , not going for all-out speed yet — that would be risky .
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