Example sentences of "[adv] what they [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 You can break it down further , you can add in things here about what somebody wanted , okay , what somebody was trying to get hold of , what they wanted , and also perhaps what they wanted to avoid .
2 So that way the technology but the machines are basically what they had
3 You know I think that was very much what they had in mind .
4 They had to read out of books , then write out what they had read , then read aloud what they had written .
5 ‘ That 's obviously what they wanted us to believe , ’ Graham said without taking his eyes of Al-Makesh .
6 Candidates had to write down what they felt would most help them improve their lives and these suggestions were forwarded to the Prince in the diplomatic bag to wherever he happened to be in the world ; he then chose whom the money should go to .
7 But neighbours sent down what they had to spare .
8 Everywhere there was evidence of abandoned normality as though everyone had put down what they had been doing , and then simply vanished ; half finished cups of coffee , dishevelled beds , games of scrabble and cards laid out , play suspended .
9 Can we , do we get points if we put down what they brought ?
10 For that , he needed not just hundreds of incorruptible field agents writing down what they overheard , but also analysts able to detect when people were joking ; some of the oddest accusations , like Eleanor Roosevelt 's supposed affair with two lefty trades unionists , come from the agents ' innocence of dirty jokes .
11 So what they had done it had a big slab there and it had got on it er The World 's Largest Slate Mine , and perhaps you 've seen it yourself they 've rubbed the T off and they put V and somebody 's done a very good job of it er in the same paint and everything .
12 ‘ What happened was , the track was very heavy and I guess Michael wanted to go more toward a ballad direction , so what they did was sell the song to Cher and she sang on it .
13 So what they did was introduce statistical techniques whereby not every bullet was inspected , a sample was inspected and great conclusions were drawn from very careful examination of a small number of , of items .
14 So what they did , they said can we install a water meter , the water company said yes .
15 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
16 So what they did was they sent people out to listen to him , you 've got evidence of that as early on as Chapter One and Chapter Two .
17 Okay , so what they did was they looked at what would be an attractive reinforcer in their work force erm , if if they were to persuade them to wear ear defenders , and they found out , from doing research in the work force , that consumer durables would be appropriate .
18 So what they did was they went elsewhere .
19 So what they did eventually , they put sort of call boxes occasionally , in different parts of the borough so during the night you could ring up the station .
20 Get the bomb squad out any way , but erm , the British army has got a lot of important that 's they way we would fight the Russians , take over a small hamlet , mortify it and that 's how the only way we would ever up the Russian 's grass nest , they take it very seriously , so what they did if they tell us how to do it , walks us through , show us what to do , let us do it and then they 'd make us do it again , but without any mistakes and that , it was really good and they showed us how to er mortify up a house , go , going through all the sewers and stuff is quite fun
21 So what they decided to do , they would accept the clinical grading appeals which says that a panel can be up to six members , of three members of management and three members of trade unions .
22 Output could be as high as Y 1 if firms adopt the rule of producing whatever is demanded , or as low as Y n if firms decide to produce only what they planned initially .
23 Is it not a fact that due to Government policy local authorities will be building no new houses next year and housing associations will achieve only what they achieved in the mid-1970s ?
24 The directors of these films , tourists in working-class cultures for which they felt little sympathy , saw only what they wanted to see .
25 Vested interests in Germany saw only what they wanted to see : namely that the Junkers were the traditional political and military leaders of German society , that they had brought about German unification and that this would make Germany into an industrial power of the first order .
26 There it was laid down clearly and definitely not only what they aimed at , but how they were going to secure it …
27 Only what they did .
28 The Devil and the World were easily dealt with : one could appraise coolly what they offered , balance it against eternal damnation and draw the obvious conclusion .
29 The voters would recognise just what they had thrown away by their mad urge to vote Labour or Liberal Democrat in April 1992 — and this , plus the sight of Mr Gerald Kaufman as Foreign Secretary , would be quite enough to do the trick .
30 And all the whole , French scientists continued to do just what they had always done — make new discoveries and expand our understanding of the natural world .
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