Example sentences of "[adv] there must [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah 'm not so sure , ’ he replied , ‘ but Aah reckons as 'ow there must be .
2 Obviously there must be a third type , hovering somewhere in the middle , but you will be able to work this out for yourself by considering the following characteristics of the two extremes .
3 ‘ Over the next two years , these same people are to be faced with a rise of 25pc for domestic fuel — VAT at 17.5pc plus 3pc or 4pc price rises each year — then obviously there must be a significant increase in pensions and benefits in order for them to be able to pay . ’
4 Obviously there must be evidence outside the registry of the trusts affecting the former matrimonial home and the declaration of trust set out at Precedent 50 is appropriate both for registered and unregistered land .
5 So there must be a voltage control unit to cut the power supply if the voltage fails , and these units must also be tested .
6 So there must be another approach .
7 and so there must be order
8 So there must be doubt about the extent to which their revised choice marks a genuine readiness to profit from extra information about credit costs , rather than mere uncertainty .
9 Catholics are only angry because they feel threatened and so there must be some strength and force in what she is trying to say .
10 Erm so there must be somebody responsible and I think if , if we write swimming pool and people take their cans there
11 I think this idea that these magazines are read only by the young is totally wrong , er , elderly women go to the libraries and the Mills and Boon 's section is one of their favourite places , its got more stock there than any of the more serious fiction , so there must be something in it that is satisfying their need for romance perhaps .
12 So there must be a frictional force here , pulling the bottom of the ladder in .
13 It 's trying to slide down the wall , so there must be something pulling it up the wall , frictional force
14 So there must be something in it . ’
15 And so there must be an element of doubt over having updated from nineteen eighty one here to nineteen eighty nine .
16 Er I really ca n't accept that er general questionnaire responded to sixty five per cent twelve per cent of sixty five per cent of you will recognise and agree that changes were needed that are existing now erm and so there must be evidence as and when the erm district erm district erm .
17 They 've got one at cos I mean I went and had one so there must be one , another one
18 So there must be something wrong .
19 so there must be a bit of and of course .
20 You know , it 's a separate thing so there must be a separate price , it would cost a bloody fortune .
21 So there must be lots of people of my age whose feet are like that , where they 've worn these things and their feet are a bit deformed .
22 Thus there must be a clear place for poetry , probably in the discipline of literature , and a clear place for lasers , probably in the discipline of physics .
23 However , the more primitive the skill the more there must be an element of chance .
24 For the museum to attract the same visitors more than once there must be some evidence of change . ’
25 and she seems really full of herself and I bet you , I mean come on I 'm sure if there , if there was a master like a sports bloke like that you might be s it 's like there must be some
26 Hence there must be a facility for storing the cross- reference until it is required , and a system by which the editor is reminded that that cross- reference needs to be written in at the other point ( earlier or later in the text ) .
27 Hence there must be many people searching in the belief that lower prices will be found .
28 But it is not tautologous , and hence there must be another non-comparative use of the phrase ‘ appears white ’ — a use in which we make a genuine attempt to describe , without comparison , the way in which white things generally appear .
29 But I was sure there must be some other reason for the red shift .
30 She felt sure there must be a connection , but at the moment she could n't see what it was .
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