Example sentences of "[adv] if [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yet Boswell and other Johnsonians report that , long before the pension , Johnson wondered aloud if holding up his right hand would have secured victory for the Stuarts at Culloden to Prince Charles 's army , he was not sure he would have held it up ; so little confidence had he in the right claimed by the house of Stuart , and so fearful was he of the consequences of another revolution on the throne of Great Britain' .
2 Members of the project carry out their own maintenance , as few sites would survive long if handed over to the local authority .
3 It will carry out commercial work for example using the Dounreay Fuel Plants only if doing so uses facilities important for the government work and also reduces the net cost to Government .
4 Firstly , it was accepted by all Scots that the coronation of their king was valid only if carried out upon the Stone of Destiny , and in spite of the Christian ceremony accompanying it the right to place the crown on the new monarch 's head belonged irrevocably to the Earl of Fife , premier layman of the realm .
5 So if end up squaring a number and get a negative answer you 've got it wrong !
6 They found that the vast majority of bed-wetting cases cleared up very quickly , especially if treated sympathetically .
7 Certain words , especially if heard often and in childhood , may be encoded or transformed , stored , and later , in disguise , retrieved and re-experienced .
8 The danger was that they might even go beyond " their lawful power at the polls " , especially if stirred up by " designing persons " and promises of " social salvation " , and they might attempt to produce change through " revolutionary action " .
9 The chronologically first and formally most decorous of his critical books , The Spirit of Romance ( originally 1910 ) , can very profitably be used — I speak from experience — as a manual for able undergraduates ; especially if taken along with Confucius to Cummings , the anthology that many decades later Pound compiled along with Marcella Spann .
10 The ULS Study showed that smaller farms were more labour intensive per unit of land area and the NCC 's concern is mainly that larger units ( especially if bought up by large investors ) are run as ranches with little if any regard to conservation interests or features .
11 It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent , not if done simply to gain access .
12 In this respect the mantle rocks resemble pitch or brittle toffee , which will shatter at a sudden blow , but will bend easily if flexed slowly and continuously .
13 This smooth , creamy cheesecake is best if refrigerated overnight .
14 Although they have their main magnificent flush in June , the spires of delphiniums can be encouraged to flower later if cut down and watered
15 Some traces of the deeper areas would then merge slightly if agitated gently with a wet and loaded brush .
16 You know I erm Hugh was talking about erm somebody being thrown out of hospital after gall bladder operation after only two days well fortunately these days there are one or two strives in er in in health care erm to erm which is very much easier to er , operate on people if you 're if you if you 're going to put them out cos the operation 's more er simpler it 's far less stress on patients and and , and they they 're becoming a lot quicker er , clearly if faded out er , the way is completed then er obviously things are serrated with with the chief executive of the health authority and I 'd like to give you this October when when the Chief Executive was .
17 After the first 20 per cent of the project , revisions become difficult to carry out if done manually or expensive if computerized , for major projects .
18 After the first 20 per cent of the project , revisions become difficult to carry out if done manually or expensive if computerized , for major projects .
19 Oh I do n't , I just , I remember that er if you walked down er Road at night you 'd see him with his mortar board on and his curate by his side coming down to post the letters , and then when all these ladies were in Sammy shop one night being entertained by Sammy erm Father and his curate went by , and old Sammy turned round to the audience and said well if dressing up will get him anywhere they 'll be on the first row in heaven .
20 Society at large is naturally uneasy with the notion that doctors — even if acting humanely — may put an end to the life of a terminally ill person , whether young or old , or of a malformed baby with no prospects of survival .
21 To live by ungrounded values , which even if organized as rationally as a science have only an inward coherence without external support , has come to be widely accepted as the quintessentially modern condition .
22 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
23 ‘ A national court which is called upon , within the limits of its jurisdiction , to apply provisions of Community law is under a duty to give full effect to those provisions , if necessary refusing of its own motion to apply any conflicting provisions of national legislation , even if adopted subsequently , and it is not necessary for the court to request or await the prior setting aside of such provisions by legislative or other constitutional means .
24 A national court which is called upon … to apply provisions of Community law is under a duty to give full effect to those provisions , if necessary refusing of its own motion to apply any conflicting provisions of national legislation , even if adopted subsequently , and it is not necessary for the court to request or await a prior setting aside of such provisions by legislative or constitutional means .
25 As state functions are taken over by private companies , even if made up of ex-civil servants , we will find them dropping out of the public records net .
26 Given this , they m may be more co-operative and , even if living away from home , they have a strength and right of contact with their family .
27 These may take the form of problems which even if proved empirically to influence resource needs do so in such particular , local , and sometimes subtle ways that statistical models are unlikely to be sensitive enough to be helpful .
28 For the sake of clarity , one possible solution is to provide that the SSAPs to be used are those that applied at a specified date even if changed subsequently between exchange and completion .
29 An extrajudicial offer , even if backed up with assertions that it will not be improved upon , does not carry the same penalty in expenses and the pursuer and his advisers , confident of success , will not be put at risk on expenses by such an offer .
30 One must realise that one 's opponent , even if lagging badly behind , may still stage a come-back .
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