Example sentences of "[adv] say that to " in BNC.

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1 You are n't , um , merely saying that to , um , jolly us on ? ’
2 Just say that to yourself : ‘ It was n't me . ’ ’
3 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
4 Well just say that to her , it 's a long distance and er , will you , will you call me back on this number ?
5 No , no , not , not sort of getting at , anyway I had just said that to father you see
6 I was just saying that to Dad here this morning . ’
7 I just said that to Charlie to needle him .
8 Other unique material in the Southern Collection includes the unpublished manuscript notebooks of the distinguished theatre historian , William John Lawrence , who was born in Dublin in 1862 , and of whom it was once said that to whatever aspect of theatre history the student may turn , Lawrence will have been there before him .
9 She always says that to her gramps in the morning .
10 You could hardly say that to a nun could you ?
11 Well I nearly said that to him , but I thought ooh no !
12 ‘ Yeah , well , ’ sighs a world-weary Mark , ‘ when we got to Number One in America it was pretty great and pretty terrible and basically you have to be pretty shit to get to Number One in America , we kept on saying that to everybody … ’
13 So like I even said that to the coppers today I said he 's been handling seventeen hundred pounds near enough near as damn it
14 Mark : I ca n't say that to the same extent , but where I live at the moment I know a lot of people within five minutes ' walk and there are ten or fifteen gay people I know who live locally ; there are people I can visit without any great effort whatsoever , whom I 'm likely to meet in the shops .
15 ‘ You did n't say that to Linda , did you ? ’
16 do n't no do n't say that to her or I 'll be in the dog house
17 And then , I mean , 'cos we dare n't say that to accountant know , to have 'ouse valued , 'cos what 's point in , I mean , anybody said to us , er , get it sent off , you 'll find , you 're , somebody will insure ya .
18 No oh do n't say that to him though , cos he 'll blow his top wo n't he ?
19 You could n't say that to her cos she did n't it would be insulting but in fact , that 's the big difference .
20 no matter what you 've heard about John , I know he 's a man of his word he 's an honest man and he wo n't say that he did n't say that to me will you John .
21 But please do n't , I mean do n't say that to George cos that 'll really hurt her
22 Well , I mean actually , we would n't say that to him if he stuck something up in his front garden , that 's the reality ; people imagine that we have powers that we do n't have .
23 She 'd never said that to him before — nor indeed to anyone in her whole life .
24 I 've never said that to anyone — admitted I have family problems on occasions , that is .
25 because because that is how I felt when he was actually saying that to me
26 erm I mean , it 's interesting , that 's not the only person that 's said that to me erm one of the youngsters actually said that to me last night erm sort of complaining again along the same sort of lines , and I said ‘ well hang on a minute , you know there are people actually at this moment who are putting their lives on the line and
27 And I would never say that to anyone who was unemployed but did n't want to be .
28 Try , I could , I would never say that to customers , that 's a load of shit see , but the point is you , you
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