Example sentences of "[adv] that is just " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately for Berger , both stops were exceptionally slick and , judging by the controversial aftermath of Nigel Mansell 's botched pit stop in Portugal last week , perhaps that is just as well .
2 So that is just eighteen minutes after noon , so how long is it from nine , ten in the morning until , until eighteen minutes past twelve o'clock in midday ?
3 I would like if possible not to do that any more , cos clearly that is just a duplication of material already elsewhere available .
4 Right , now that is just pentate these are all pentates that is specifically pentate .
5 Well that is just a crap jobby anyway !
6 And 40 years ago that is just what Peter Conder , soon to be assisted by his wife , Pat , set out to do .
7 And 40 years ago that is just what Peter Conder , soon to be assisted by his wife , Pat , set out to do .
8 ‘ But , ’ said Fergus , leaning forward , his eyes absorbed , ‘ surely that is just a legend ? ’
9 Nobody could reasonably dissent from this conclusion , Paley insists , yet that is just what the atheist , in effect , does when he contemplates the works of nature , for : every indication of contrivance , every manifestation of design , which existed in the watch , exists in the works of nature ; with the difference , on the side of nature , of being greater or more , and that in a degree which exceeds all computation .
10 However that is just the petrol cost .
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