Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Though the sweat poured down his red face his arms went on working like pistons and Albert barely had time to stack one great , whiskery load before another came up .
2 Well perhaps his mum do n't want you borrowing his brother 's .
3 So his Contras behave like homicidal lager-louts , and his Sandinistas like palely scrupulous members of the SDP .
4 ( This hits ROS between the eyes but only his eyes show it .
5 Kalchu , wearing only his loincloth. let the rain course over his bare skin .
6 He felt his skin tingle , he felt the fine hair all along his spine react as if a low current had been run through him .
7 The the question is that honourable member to bring in his bill say aye .
8 For example , a man may earn £100 per week and out of this he may plan to spend £70 , and thus his transactions demand would be £70 in this particular week .
9 Gator 's been riding for Vision practically since the birth of the wheel , and thus his models have always been a Vision favourite .
10 Thus his writings give the opposite impression to those of the earlier moralists like Salvian , and even of that conveyed by Paulinus of Pella , a member of the senatorial aristocracy who collaborated with the Visigoths in the early years of their settlement in Aquitaine , but eventually lost the majority of his property , as he relates in his autobiographical poem , the Eucharisticon .
11 But it was not his racing heartbeat the mikes picked up — it was the blonde beauty 's rumbling stomach .
12 The Shepherd sighs , but not his Sighs prevail ;
13 Meanwhile his parents plan to start a Marc Jeffrey 's woodland trust in memory of their son and his interest in the environment .
14 Stories that she lightheartedly tipped him off his surfboard do not ring true of Diana who was totally in awe of him .
15 He stopped his patrol car to investigate and Vernage simply slaughtered him in the street , cutting off his police radio to stop him calling for help .
16 The more battles and the more kills an Orc has under his belt the more respect he earns from other Orcs , the more his enemies fear him , and the happier he will be .
17 For once his eyes point where I want them to point .
18 He admits both his dogs have strayed in the past , after callers let them out of his garden .
19 whenever his colleagues drop in
20 Mountain Crash , stable-companion of Carl 's Choice , held off the Daily Telegraph Trophy holder , Fort Hall , with reasonable comfort in the Ladies ' and Richard Hunt gained more admirers when following up his Higham win by catching Manor Mieo on the line in the Intermediate .
21 Much has been written about Griffith and his contribution to the movies but the ingredients that made up his genius have never been better identified than in the review Heywood Broun wrote of Intolerance when it appeared in 1916 .
22 Instead he would walk down to the river , take the path to the bridge and pick up his Police Review at Braddan 's on his way home .
23 Or screwed up his kids like we were screwed up .
24 Her husband John , now 41 , of Hatfield Road , Watford , gave up his sales career to look after Susan and her sister Sharon , now eight .
25 he was , he would n't give up his Saturday work you see .
26 Next , and perhaps most importantly , the user has a flexible easy to use system , so when inevitably his requirements change , he can change the system or his use of the system .
27 The medievalist has had to accept the limitations , as well as the advantages , of having as his subject matter a culture with only a small literary élite .
28 Even now his contemporaries raise their eyes and murmur ‘ Ssshh ’ because there are still alive those whose feelings might be hurt and the extent of it all is better buried under the marriages and the more undeniable liaisons .
29 But now his injuries have caught up with him , despite a brave battle to recover from recent knee surgery .
30 Now his eyes look slightly mad .
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