Example sentences of "[adv] as with [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , cost would preclude very frequent advertising via this particular medium , so for frequency of exposure it would be preferable to consider hoardings and transport advertisements ( eg as with the famous Guinness advertisements ) .
2 So as with the birth of Culham in Britain , there was again the possibility that fusion could profit .
3 Her voice tailed away as with a seemingly effortless movement he found his feet , and bounded across the short distance to block her passage .
4 He had dealt with her honestly , not as with a mere woman , one who must necessarily be only on the fringes of her menfolk 's concerns .
5 They can split on impact with the high twist yarns of ripstop nylon , and are really intended for sewing knitting fabrics where the ball forces the yarn apart , stretching and borrowing yarn from adjacent loops in the fabric without cutting through as with the normal pointed needle .
6 Here the pulses are converted into signals that provide the directional information , just as with a conventional switch type joys tick .
7 Just as with a heavy period there may be cramps and nausea , so it can happen with this treatment .
8 Just as with a cash ratio , the authorities could impose a statutory liquidity ratio or they could merely allow banks to set their own prudent liquidity ratio .
9 Indeed , just as with a demonstrative , so with the definite description in ( 18 ) , the addressee is invited to look up and identify the referent .
10 ( Just as with the cross wind take-off , the down wind wing should be held so that any slight pull will not help the weathercocking into wind . )
11 First , just as with the previous two categories , a doubt of this kind may well be simple or compound .
12 Just as with the Rogallo wing , or the single cone scoops , any lateral shift of the Flexifoil will steer the kite ; but there is a difference in that the single line attachment point allows the Flexifoil to adopt its own twist , and the angle of attack is reduced on the inside of the turn .
13 In theory , therefore , just as with the Macintosh , a single piece of PC software can now operate in any hardware configuration the user desires .
14 But , just as with the word processor , the content and presentation of those documents do not necessarily reflect a similar improvement .
15 The third major change in the market has been the emergence , just as with the desktop publishing bureaux , of a number of imaging centres that can take files from any number of different programs and produce 35mm slides for around £5 each .
16 Just as with the introduction of any new technology ; be it digital typesetting , offset litho printing , Spray Mount adhesive or even a new range of inks there will be those who approve and those who disapprove .
17 The band of gel containing each protein can either be cut out with a razorblade and the radioactivity in it counted , or the whole gel can be placed against X-ray film and an autoradiogram made , just as with the 2-DG experiment .
18 But , just as with the other two batches , centres have gone well beyond just the transfer of the remaining old courses into the new system and have proposed a large number of innovative courses and units for validation .
19 Just as with the rates , when people in receipt of social security benefit had living with them someone who was not in receipt of benefit , there was a system known as non-dependent deductions — the hon. Member for Brightside will be well aware of that system — so , too , under the council tax it will be possible for the claimant — the person liable to the tax — simply to let us know , through a single declaration , about the other people in the household who may not be eligible for income support and who may be eligible to make a contribution to the council tax bill .
20 Just as with the predicate qualifiers , the occupation by postverbals of a syntactic position more commonly taken by an adverb seems to accord well with the fact that a favoured form for questioning them is how ? , unless pre-empted by a question based on pragmatic categories such as what colour ? .
21 Headland has persuasively argued that , just as with the pygmies above , there was just not enough food for such groups in the forest itself ; in this case , the people seemed to have been trading wild meat for goods including carbohydrate and , indeed , may have grown it themselves in the past .
22 What matters — in addition to the importance of the priest as a symbol — are her particular pastoral and spiritual gifts , exactly as with a male priest .
23 membership provides a means of social control in the workplace both because those recruited have an obligation to preserve the reputation of their sponsors and also because , in some cases , family authority principles can be transferred from the home to the job , e.g. as with a ‘ dads ’ lads ' recruitment system .
24 Cabo Virgenes , which is today surmounted by a lighthouse that flashes a powerful beam every five seconds , as well as with a foghorn and a radio direction beacon , is perhaps the most navigationally important point on the Atlantic coast of South America .
25 A towel will be required to dry off your pet , and it is a good idea to accustom a puppy to being dried in this fashion , as well as with a hair-dryer .
26 Here again there is some convergence with the work of a more directly sociological tradition , and especially ( though many theoretical problems are then raised ) with Mannheim ( 1936 and 1956 ) , as well as with a number of empirical studies of specific groups and conditions ( cf.
27 Devlin and O'Cathain found that of 122 children consecutively referred , 22 became dry after a structured interview ( with the child alone as well as with a parent ) , advice on personal hygiene and cleanliness training , daily bladder exercises , and provision of a ‘ star chart . ’
28 Interviews with government and university bodies , as well as with a sample of teachers in training , will be carried out ( in Swahili ) while the investigator is attached , as a participant-observer , to the Institute of Swahili Research , Dar es Salaam , during May — August 1985 .
29 The department studies the Church 's history with the aid of other relevant disciplines , for example , social , political and economic history and social anthropology , as well as with a sensitivity to theological perspectives .
30 Even in her later years she worked on film and television projects as well as with a US daily radio commentary , The Best Years , consisting of homely reminiscences about the elderly .
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