Example sentences of "[adv] as [art] first " in BNC.

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1 In 1558 , he worked up his letter into a second edition , three times as long as the first , which he certainly wrote as an outright attack ; and his portrayal of the dowager in his History of Scotland is one of hacking savagery .
2 Columbus 's voyage was over in thirty-five days ; but Magellan 's had been gone a year and weathered a subAntarctic winter before the real task began — the voyage over a trackless waste of waters exactly three times as long as the first crossing of the Atlantic …
3 That this Second World War would not last so long as the First , and even that it might not be a war on such a world-scale , were legitimate presumptions at the time , and Eliot was firmly of the opinion that we should be thinking then and there of the world which would finally emerge .
4 I hope the RFU competitions committee make an urgent review of proceedings , especially as the First Division will be reduced to 10 teams for the 1993–94 season .
5 The avoidance of such fluctuations was considered desirable not only as a first stage in monetary union but also for the smooth operation of the Common Agricultural Policy , since food prices are calculated according to the exchange value of member currencies .
6 Mary shivered and turned away as the first clods of earth thudded onto the coffin .
7 It was then , just as the first signs of Arab flexibility appeared , that in Israel the notion took root that the renunciation of ‘ grand designs ’ was erroneous in its minimalism .
8 ‘ I still dropped it , just as the first shock wave struck us .
9 I flattened to the street just as the first shots were fired …
10 To be a Christian means actively to follow Jesus Christ in faith , just as the first disciples of Jesus did .
11 The tape on the bus was changed to ‘ choochie ’ accordion music just as the first streams of passengers jostled their way to the buses .
12 Horace left school at age 14 , just as the First World War broke out .
13 Just as the first two processes have led to the gradual expansion of the broadcasting scene , the last , and most critical , process is aimed at a complete reappraisal of the role of broadcasting , and the broadcasting organizations , in British society .
14 Just as the First World War set the stage for the development of International Relations as a separate discipline , so now the subject is studied in a way which reflects an implicit view of what are the most important events and trends .
15 We arrived just as the first eggs were hatching .
16 Devices like Hewlett-Packard 's DeskJet are becoming very significant in the office market just as the first wave of page printers is due to be pensioned off
17 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
18 ( A ) That an amount borne by the Insured of a party hereto as the first portion of the cost of each accident shall apply in priority to : —
19 Harriet Shakespeare and the policemen had begun to creep closer , ready to run as soon as the first shot was fired .
20 Secret As soon as the first four figures — 1978 are written down , you obtain the final result by subtracting one from the right hand figure and adding it to the front .
21 As soon as the first person speaks , your confederate leaves the room and says ‘ I have received the inspiration ’ .
22 I did , from the moment we met , almost as soon as the first throb of the Mantela 's engines announced that we were on our way .
23 As soon as the first insipid light filtered through the entrance , I was glad to make tepid tea and chewy porridge garnished with mouse droppings , while enjoying a limited success in coaxing Roger from his marginally more substantial pit .
24 Sell on a strike they say , so no doubt the time to sell 3DO Co Inc 's shares are as soon as the first marketable interactive multimedia home entertainment centres to the company 's standard are announced : the shares , floated at $15 , rose to $20.125 on the first day of trading going to $24 on the second day .
25 Almost as soon as the first fascicle had appeared , the OED was recognized as a unique enterprise , a pioneering work of scholarship , an unparalleled treasury of the English language , and the indispensable key to the interpretation of the literature of past ages .
26 Untidy foliage at the water 's edge provides a sanctuary for waterlily beetles and other aquatic pests , so should be removed as soon as the first autumn frosts turn it brown .
27 As soon as the first ring sounded he knew she was not there , that the sound of the telephone was reverberating through empty rooms , as lost and desolate as wind crying across a salt marsh , as hopeless as he felt his own heart to be .
28 The auditory word detectors are activated by input from a spoken word , and an essential aspect of the model is that this activation begins as soon as the first sounds in the word are heard .
29 According to the cohort model , however , as soon as the first part of the word has been heard , all the detectors for words beginning with this initial sound are activated .
30 But of course as soon as the first one started the whole lot went , over my cow shed .
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