Example sentences of "[adv] but [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He gulped down the spread of cold meats eagerly but chewed slowly , like the old man he had become .
2 She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together but had still been confused about the precise sequence of events between arriving at the church and the moment when she had pushed open the door of the Little Vestry .
3 Nance Frank , one who was dropped , tried to put an all women crew together but failed dismally .
4 After tea , Clare pulled the sitting-room curtains together but did n't switch on the light ; she preferred to watch the firelight flick shadows over the walls .
5 Like her , she thought , he had developed the skill of talking endlessly but saying little .
6 He did not speak much but smiled broadly when she thanked him .
7 We shall elaborate on this simple division below but suggest here that the wealth of literature on the former ( see , for instance , Burton et al. 1978 and Perry 1981 ) has yet to be matched by a similar volume of work on the latter .
8 Edward Lear , drawing parrots and toucans in the zoo , got them very lifelike but left his backgrounds very sketchy , letting the bird stand out brilliantly but giving very little clue about its habitat .
9 ‘ We can take something from this game and be positive that we were down but came away with the point .
10 She sits down but does n't join in the conversations , her face is distracted and her hands move constantly as though she 's talking to herself .
11 As a student of these matters , surely the hon. Gentleman recognises that in , for example , the past five years , the peak age for offending for a young male has not gone down but gone up .
12 However , there is also your prose side , which urges time not to slow down but hurry up .
13 The painting was offered to the National Gallery , who turned it down but did not then offer it on to either the Tate or another likely candidate , the National Gallery of Scotland .
14 The way out of a hole , Mr Major , is not to dig DOWN but to build UP .
15 It flew steadily homewards , nose fractionally down but wings beautifully level , trailing streamers of torn fabric like favours .
16 It was a complex language : not written down but handed down .
17 The introduction of an unnatural base pair appears to act as a crystal impurity giving a more disordered structure that is stabilised entropically but destabilised enthalpically compared with the sequences with the natural base pairs .
18 Frank , I think , had spoken to him about not taking everything that was said so personally but to learn how to ride the ups and downs , the vicissitudes , of theatre . ’
19 This is plausible enough but falls down , I submit , when the work by its very nature is of such a character that failure to adapt might be construed as being more reality orientated .
20 All these complications arose simply because someone thought a smaller cabin would be big enough but had not bothered to consult the professionals .
21 Mrs Cossins and husband Ray decided four children was enough but ended up with six when nine-year-old Stephen and Caroline , eight , were both born after a sterilisation operation at North Tees General Hospital .
22 The concept of running a road bridge over a listed , 140-year-old railway viaduct seems simple enough but has never been tried before in this country .
23 Practise speaking your answers out loud but do not learn them off by heart .
24 which the House of Lords would have exercised if it had been asked to do so but had not in fact been so asked , Berry ( No. 2 ) would have been a very easy case for the Court of Appeal to deal with , but there is no indication that it found Berry ( No. 2 ) to be so simple .
25 The war did not prove particularly popular with the English nobility , who served when called upon to do so but gained little from it .
26 This ritual was practised until the last decade or so but has apparently now ceased , which is perhaps in the best interests of the dolphins .
27 Mr Harty added he had seen signs saying fishing was for members only but had not taken any notice of them .
28 The smaller head is obliged to tag along but has no say in things any more .
29 The edges of adjacent planks were not fastened together mechanically but stood open so as to form a V-shaped groove .
30 In some patients ( e.g. Coltheart et al. , 1983 ) , only the first pattern is seen , so that the way a printed word is comprehended is via pronunciation ; in others ( e.g. Kay and Patterson , 1983 ) one does see examples where a word is read aloud wrongly but comprehended correctly .
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