Example sentences of "[adv] she [be] more " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps she was more fiery in the days of her youth , when her agitation and organized campaigns resulted in Manitoba becoming the first Canadian province to grant the franchise to women .
2 And so she 's more or less chained to a desk then is she ?
3 She had never known any other man but Dan , but after tonight she was more than aware of what she had been missing all these years .
4 Also she is more vulnerable than she was .
5 Now she is more independent than I would ever have believed possible .
6 She had never changed her mind , and now she was more convinced than ever that she had been one hundred per cent correct .
7 But right now she was more concerned about the effect her behaviour might have had on his offer to her mother .
8 He had kissed her before and turned her to fire , but now — oh , now she was more than fire , she was a glowing rivulet of flame , pulsing with heat .
9 Nowadays she is more likely to drive to a favourite beach on the south coast so that she can enjoy the wind in her hair and the tang of the sea breeze on her face .
10 Discussing a book on Dostoevsky , he remarks that while the author has much of interest to say about The Idiot ‘ she does not quite persuade one that it comes off , indeed she does not really try , because like many scholars today she is more concerned with showing how the thing works than with judging if it works well . ’
11 Surely she 's more sensible than that , ’ said the doctor , smiling at me .
12 If she is staying in a comfortable hotel , has a caddie to look after her needs at the golf course and can travel on the packages arranged by the Tour 's travel operators , then she is more likely to be able to devote her full concentration on her golf .
13 Indeed she was more alert than many half her age .
14 Afterwards she was more friendly .
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