Example sentences of "[adv] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If this is to happen then there must be far greater participation than there has been hitherto by all members of the school staff in the establishment of general philosophy and purpose of the school .
2 Yet some of the richness and wit of the Jacobean dialogue is threatened by its being spoken in thick Italian/New York accents — mastered better by some actors than others — and snatches of more modern speech , while essential for credibility , draw attention to the time warp .
3 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
4 I should know better by this time , because not only do these things then happen , but my machines do something even worse .
5 Leonora 's heart sank , but she knew better by this time than to argue with Penry Vaughan .
6 ‘ I agree , yet somehow I find it difficult to accept that you live entirely by that principle . ’
7 Obscene letters and telephoning , in which an inadequate individual gains satisfaction mainly or entirely by these activities .
8 On a Tuesday morning in January a telephone call came from a farmer in the Briercrest area to report the murder of a young farm hand , apparently by another farm worker , a mid-European emigrant named Peter Eli Janotte .
9 It is an impressive body of photographic , graphic and specially commissioned work which has been put together by former NME photographer Adrian Boot and editors Neil Storey and Rob Partridge , with encouragement from Island boss Chris Blackwell and the head of Are You Experienced Ltd , Alan Douglas .
10 No. 28 , Bill and Onyx 's house , was a really shoddy little semi , thrown together by some builder after a quick buck ten or twelve years before .
11 The extremities of the cloud are rotating so fast that the cloud would disperse if it were not held together by some force of gravity .
12 By the ninth century the Magyars had settled around the river Dnepr , north of the Crimean Peninsula , having been expelled outwards by that movement of Asian tribes which rolled peoples westwards for a thousand years .
13 Extending these ideas , there have also been suggestions from socio-cultural anthropologists who have a leaning towards sociobiology , that , although the details of customs and moral rules and relational behaviours have to be learned afresh by each individual they are matters of culture — we may already know in advance how to organize such conventions into structured patterns by virtue of a genetically endowed predisposition to become enculturated .
14 The front quad of New College , Oxford illustrates clearly the usual quadrangle method of Medieval layout which was retained for so long by those universities .
15 Some Marxists , among them Rosa Luxemburg and the Austro-Marxists , were early critics of the Soviet dictatorship , but only in recent years was there a widespread and fundamental questioning of the whole idea of dictatorship , and a revaluation of peaceful , democratic forms of political change , especially by those intellectuals and political leaders associated with the Eurocommunist movement .
16 In the sociology of the 1960s and 1970s , as I noted in the Introduction , much attention was given , especially by those thinkers who can be regarded broadly as Marxist structuralists , to an analysis of the hidden ‘ logic of structures ’ , or ‘ structural causality ’ .
17 But , within the limits laid down by that doctrine , it is for the power-holder to decide what to do .
18 Finstat 's figures are dragged down by that spread , as a market index is not .
19 Nor is such a provision invalidated because the method of communicating the offer differs from that prescribed by section 90 ; but the procedure laid down by that section supersedes that provided in the memorandum or articles .
20 It is late evening and Marianne , Walter and I have just finished a large couscous washed down by several bottles of heady local wine .
21 Turn left at the end of Union Street for the Marischal College , a tall and wide building of white-grey stone , with many windows and pinned down by several bus-stops .
22 What they have in mind here is the common situation that , while hunting , the quarry is first wounded by one hunter 's spear but ultimately brought down by another spear thrown by a second huntsman .
23 The only way to ensure that the unwanted behaviour does not reappear is to keep it dampened down by more punishments .
24 If so , then it was a case of sweet revenge for Whittingham , who had been shot down by this unit over England during 1940 !
25 A spit of sand and gravel , brought down by this Whiteadder , makes shallows there .
26 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
27 Applying the principles laid down by this House in American Cyanamid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd. [ 1975 ] A.C. 396 , he first asked himself whether there was a serious question to be tried ; he held that there was , the question being whether or not the facts were such that section 47 was incompatible with article 30 .
28 Operating costs in 1992 were down by some £29 million ( 22% ) compared to 1990 , partly achieved by the continuing redundancy programme which cost the company £1.7 million to implement last year .
29 The ancient nomes had used it as a kind of lift , but it did n't have wires — it went up and down by some force as mysterious as auntie 's gravy or whatever it was .
30 And yet , in her case , it did not appear to him that she had been struck down by any kind of ordinary post-natal depression , as Adams 's next words seemed to confirm .
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