Example sentences of "[adv] again [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Instead , the siege mentality towards the accompanying press party , that has wrecked morale on previous tours , notably the 1986 trip to the West Indies , has set in again with a vengeance .
2 ‘ Somebody ought to go out and come in again with a lump of coal , ’ said Dora .
3 So too did CADCentre Ltd in Cambridge — where ICL gets in again as a shareholder .
4 She came back to the north with him after that and they lived together again for a time .
5 It was a week before he even suggested they get together again for a drink , and that was lunchtime on Friday , at the end of his second week .
6 ‘ Can we put Humpty Dumpty together again as a Corporal with a clean record ? — I assume that 's what he wants .
7 The mind was a faulty mechanism at first which had to be dismantled so that it could be put together again in a more perfect harmony .
8 It will take time to grow and put the pieces of a changed life together again in a new and satisfactory pattern .
9 Fry and Flashman both launched a tirade of abuse against each other following their parting , but now they have shelved their differences and will work together again in a twosome , the like of which football has never seen , or is likely to again .
10 It is estimated to cost in excess of £20,000 to run a car like McHale 's Celica GT4 or the Subarus of Fisher and McKinstry on a rally as long and demanding as this year 's 1,200 mile Circuit — and that 's before the cars are put back together again after a five-day pounding on some of the toughest roads in Ireland .
11 When the sightseeing tour was over , Little Billy sat down again on a large branch and said to the whole company of Minpins , ‘ Look , I 've had a lovely time with you all , but how am I ever going to get home again ?
12 — Sit down again for a minute .
13 ‘ Just sit you down again for a minute , lassie .
14 ‘ Sit down again for a while . ’
15 Edouard sat down again with a tight smile .
16 He dumped it down behind the boat-house and went back towards the house , then after a bit he came down again with a picture , and dumped that , then he took the bag and made off up the path with it . ’
17 then , as they are read down again with a pause after each word , practice tapping the stress patterns , maybe also saying nonsense syllables , such as " dah " for stressed and " dee " for unstressed syllables ( i.e. dah dee dee , dee dah dee , dee dee dah ) .
18 I have had in my mind recently the image of a great bridge , how the pillars rise up and sweep down again with an immense force and weight .
19 Meadow pipits rose , singing , into the air , and ‘ tseep-tseep'-ed down again in a slow parachute descent .
20 Lili came down again in a black jersey frock and fresh lipstick and carrying the scent of some strange perfume .
21 Alright Tim , we 'll just sit him down again in a different place .
22 Prices of appellation d'origine controlee wines rose to what some would say were over-ambitious levels but lack of demand has forced them down again by a tenth or more in Britain with even bigger discounts available in French supermarkets .
23 The old man had disappeared outside again without a word , having set Theda 's portmanteau down in the wide hall .
24 A RAPIST forced his victim to chant ‘ yes son ’ over and over again during a two-hour ordeal yesterday .
25 Once you 've mapped in the shape , leave it soft , or wet the brush , dip it back into the powder and run it over again for a more liquid line .
26 You may throw cells together at random , over and over again for a billion years , and not once will you get a conglomeration that flies or swims or burrows or runs , or does anything , even badly , that could remotely be construed as working to keep itself alive .
27 He was also ordered to forfeit £150 from a previous binding over and bound over again for a year in the sum of £250 .
28 It 's part of the this way in which the computer can turn information over and over again for a different need .
29 It 's part of this way in which the computer can turn information over and over again for a different need .
30 He asked Neil Kinnock about his plans to tax the middle-income bracket not once , not twice , but over and over again for an hour .
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