Example sentences of "[adv] leave he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he had learnt that Miss Alicia Lockwood , whom he considered one of the most charming and fascinating old dears he had ever met , had been mad enough to leave him half her beautiful and fantastic house , for one wild and quixotic moment Matthew had thought of refusing the legacy .
2 Memet , however , was somewhat out of their experience , and they were wise enough to leave him alone .
3 ‘ You 'd have done better to leave him alone . ’
4 That only perhaps left him one alternative — an ultimate alternative which no-one , not even Carnelian , could reasonably expect him to invoke , let alone soon …
5 Such colour as there was in Tutilo 's weary face slowly drained away to leave him grey and mute .
6 I ca n't just leave him high and dry either .
7 Sometimes he had to admit , he wished they would just leave him alone and let him live out this petty , pointless .
8 The worst of being in a job which the world regarded as not the right place for him was that the world would not leave him alone .
9 But they would not leave him alone .
10 This world would not leave him alone , it seemed .
11 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
12 ‘ All his relations have already left him alone .
13 Just , Just leave him alone , you know .
14 This was not of itself disastrous — after tonight it would once more be his profession — but whereas painting had a tangible end result ( two , if he included the recompense ) , pursuit and seduction always left him naked and empty-handed .
15 Now leave him alone . ’
16 Strephon goes on to recount the various features which once inspired his love , but now leave him cold :
17 It now leaves him free to criticise other results of the massively funded but unregulated conservation industry .
18 Ken 's job in the library often leaves him tired and touchy at the end of a day .
19 He was a strange , rather lonely man with a lonely job that was highly pressured and did n't leave him any time to make friends or indulge in theatre gossip .
20 They wo n't leave him alone .
21 At night see he ca n't leave him alone he sits there and he goes or something like that and jumps on him and gives him a I ca n't keep my hands off that dog !
22 Oh you have to , oh you ca n't leave him alone one second .
23 Yet not only had she not said anything but as far as he 'd been able to ascertain she had n't left him any lunch .
24 Well leave him alone Matthew !
25 Lecturing was now easier for him than it once had been — he had , after all , accumulated a great deal of experience — but the readings of his own poetry frequently left him exhausted .
26 From these bits of activity , a richer life could develop ; but it is vital that whatever Harry and Elizabeth choose is something they both really want to do and not a situation where she goes along with it in a patronising way , and then leaves him high and dry .
27 Hans had never really recovered from a near fatal case of tuberculosis as a child which had subsequently left him susceptible to infection .
28 He was solid , scientific , conscious in all his creating , learning his art from masters who were still in the youth of artistic development , his whole work shows a progress towards an ideal which the trammels of Gothic tradition never left him free to attain without a struggle .
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