Example sentences of "[adv] leave [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On 16 December Hoare returned to London , but was not well enough to leave his own house .
2 But to deny any current involvement with Hugh would only leave her open to other , dangerous questions .
3 He was offering her a few days of physical pleasure which would only leave her thirsty for more .
4 Yes , well , I think we 'd better leave his ruder sayings off the air at the moment .
5 POLICE are urging householders not to leave their front doors open in hot weather after a thief walked into a family home and stole £1,000 worth of jewellery .
6 I have at this point tried to bring in some preliminary notions of stress and prominence without giving a full explanation ; by this stage in the course it is important to be getting familiar with the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables , and the nature of ‘ schwa ’ , but the subject of stress is such a large one that I have felt it best to leave its main treatment until later .
7 The sensation moved around inside her , filling her up , shuffling , searching , passing through to leave her sick and trembling and curiously empty .
8 Alice thought she could not leave her only child , her baby daughter , that she might never see again , without holding her once more , without at least giving her a last kiss .
9 Do not leave your best virgin oils on display in a bright , sun-filled kitchen as they will quickly go rancid .
10 But remember , you must stay in the forest , you must not leave your dear grandfather until you have repaid all the love and care he had given you . "
11 The points that lie on the intersections of the horizontal and vertical Cantor sets will be points through which trajectories pass that do not leave our small region of interest in either forwards or backwards time .
12 Now nobody can make him fight , but he can not leave his new homeland as he has no passport .
13 Of many cup-painters the greatest , perhaps , with Onesimos , is one who worked regularly with a potter Brygos but has not left his own name , so the Brygos Painter .
14 " You 've just left your previous employment , is that right ? "
15 I tossed the cassette to Rickie who , turning away and thus leaving his blind eye facing me , fumbled the catch .
16 Nest-bound birds pedal frantically away leaving their entire existence to the destiny of fate .
17 Nutty 's gone up north for more smelly Brits but I 'm not leaving my lovely villa and my roses so it 's civil war .
18 The autonomy bill , approved by the French National Assembly on its first reading on Nov. 23-24 and due to enter into force in March 1992 , would give the island administration greater autonomy in the education , training , transport and tourism sectors but would still leave its regional economic development programme subject to French government approval .
19 As I had mistakenly left my only pair of worn-in boots in Salford — I had been wearing them when I packed the kit , and changed into shoes to travel to North Africa — I now had blisters under the balls of both feet and another running from the top of my left heel right under the foot .
20 She 's always leaving her back door unlocked . ’
21 ‘ And there was a rumour that John Galsworthy once left her five guineas under the spine of his breakfast kipper .
22 The great composer Bach for example hardly ever left his native Germany .
23 Although Cindy still leaves her new base in Manhattan and heads for DeKalb several times a year , she now divides her time between her divorced parents and two sisters .
24 She also left her electric fire , so I take that in too .
25 The picture that his words conjured up left her breathless , but another , stronger part of her was screaming in denial .
26 Like her failure to realise , or even to care , that her indifference to other people 's convenience and comfort could eventually leave her friendless in a cold world .
27 ‘ It was like a scene in some stricken Bosnian town where people were scavaging for food , ’ said Bernie today , ‘ Demand is just unbelievable — I had to eventually leave my own telephone off the hook at midnight in order to get some sleep .
28 You can even leave your complete holiday arrangements to us : anything from a short break to a fortnight 's package .
29 Eve had n't known that Birdie Mac who ran the sweet shop had a man from Ballylee who had been calling for fifteen years , but she would n't leave her old mother and the man from Ballylee would n't come to Knockglen .
30 DO N'T leave your cooked turkey lying around for too long .
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