Example sentences of "[adv] find [pn reflx] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When , after five or six miles [ 8–10 km ] , his men reached another defile , between Loch Lochy and a steeply sloping mountain to the east , they found the Highlanders had arrived before them , and after a brisk action , in which he eventually found himself hemmed in on three sides , Scott , himself wounded , and with two men dead , accepted terms of surrender .
2 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
3 She felt like someone who suffered from vertigo and suddenly found themselves standing on the edge of a deep abyss .
4 ‘ Next thing we were playing support on a Mary Black tour and from doing folk club gigs for maybe 100 customers I suddenly found myself doing 20 nights in a row in front of 2,000 people or more . ’
5 They played ‘ ’ Invitation to the Waltz' ’ on Radio 3 this morning' — she was speaking faster and faster , edging towards the gun — ‘ such a heavenly tune , I played it at school , and suddenly found myself waltzing round the kitchen , then Ethel leapt up and waltzed with me , and I thought perhaps there is a life after Hamish .
6 And Pete , who had n't been entirely unaware of some of the paths that such a newly-founded relationship might follow , suddenly found himself shifting into back-off mode .
7 He had n't bothered to inform anyone in the team of this intention , and manager Bob Merriman suddenly found himself plunged into a crisis of seemingly immense proportions .
8 On the evening of 13 May on top of all his other preoccupations particularly the dangerously weak operational position of his Corps Gen Keightley suddenly found himself threatened by the possibility that within 48 hours Carinthia would be swamped by a further huge mass of some 600,000 surrendered personnel and refugees , without food .
9 Corbett suddenly found himself laughing .
10 Patrick suddenly found himself standing in the hallway , his heart tripping frantically , his breathing too fast to be comfortable .
11 Soon they were driving almost through countryside , there were no street lamps any more ; and Boy suddenly found himself saying , stop the car .
12 The graphics industry , which was quietly waiting for its traditional suppliers to deliver their promises , suddenly found itself inundated by pseudo-typeset documents output at 300 dots per inch and was , rightly , unimpressed .
13 Every time she was about to put a foot on the floor she suddenly found herself tucked up under the bedclothes again .
14 At that moment , as she faced to him , waiting for an answer , Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner , barely bothering to decelerate at all as he did so — so that Ronni suddenly found herself lurching towards the dashboard .
15 Coughing and spluttering , she went under , treading water , and suddenly found herself supported by a pair of equally strong arms as she fought for the surface .
16 One night , waiting in her car outside a pub to which she had followed him , she suddenly found herself crying for the first time .
17 Meredith peered into a couple of loose-boxes and called ‘ Mr Fearon ? ’ but only found herself staring into surprised equine faces .
18 The chain armour had to be improved to protect the knight against arrows : in western Europe in the eleventh century the powerful crossbow came to be used , and the crusading armies constantly found themselves rained on by showers of arrows from mounted Turkish archers .
19 It 's a curious thing suddenly to find oneself walking .
20 If you are unlucky enough to find yourself living with someone who seems to you to be an ‘ impossible ’ mother-in-law , it does no harm first to take a good look at yourself and your handling of her , just in case you happen to be one of the original ‘ impossible ’ daughters-in-law !
21 If you are unlucky enough to find yourself working in a heavily stress-laden environment ( which schools are ) then , inevitably , you will ‘ catch it ’ and ‘ come down with it ’ .
22 A chap can be supervising a spiffing archaeological dig on the Eastern fringes of the Soviet Union one day , only to find himself banged up in a Moscow jail on highly dubious spying charges the next .
23 Corbett , who had a string of classical roles behind him but was best known as the star of Steptoe and Son on TV , played a married travelling salesman , Brian , who is having an affair and aches for his lover after a fortnight 's absence , only to find himself sharing a bedsitting room with a religious zealot , Arnold , played by Crawford .
24 Having passed from the Mediterranean to the Indus without attracting the attention of a single government official , Battuta , like so many subsequent travellers , crossed the Indian frontier only to find himself caught up in an impenetrable web of bureaucracy : no sooner had they set foot on the east bank of the Indus than intelligence officials ‘ wrote to Delhi informing the king of our arrival and giving him all the details concerning us . ’
25 It would have done nothing for her already damaged ego if he had barged his way into her bedroom , only to find himself having to wade through a torrent of tears .
26 Mr Collin said some people have threatened to withhold the £20 surcharge in protest only to find themselves facing the threat of court action .
27 Time and again intelligence organisations chase after these grandiose projects only to find themselves lost in the wasteland of truth created by their own stupidity .
28 Later that night , when they had spent their passion lavishly once already , only to find themselves caught in its thrall again an amazingly short while later , anguish tore at her .
29 The sudden movement caught her by surprise and she leaned back , attempting to slow down , only to find herself toppling over to land once more in the snow .
30 This she had done , only to find herself talking to a horribly languid sort of character who obviously fancied himself rotten and who , she was prepared to swear , was wearing brown suede shoes and a shirt featuring tattersall checks , accompanied by a green knit tie .
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