Example sentences of "[adv] do with [det] " in BNC.

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1 If the claims of some expert system designers are true , aspects of the jobs of many kinds of expert , such as doctors , oil prospectors , and research chemists can be better done with such machines .
2 ‘ It 's all to do with that special buzz .
3 It 's all to do with some people called the Assassins ! ’
4 Hardy and Devos add a warmly expressive account of the Janáček Sonata , which could nevertheless do with more surge and abandon .
5 Easily done with these modern phones .
6 The content was to be informative , while avoiding giving offence to the more fastidious members of the audience — all too easily done with some of the elderly ladies .
7 But our affair wo n't end until desire ends , and , as I said the other night , we 've not done with each other yet . ’
8 However , standing on street comers or walking around is not done with any definite end in mind .
9 In 1456 Coventry negotiated freedom from tolls in Southampton , as it had already done with another port which served it , namely Bristol .
10 There was a lovely mongrel dog Judy , a yard where the washing was laboriously done with much boiling , quidging and squelching , an oven lit by the fire , outings and picnics and dominoes with Uncle Fred in the park with his old cronies .
11 No what , what you normally do with those is er , say one half black and one half yellow and you have a yellow sleeve that side
12 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
13 Although there are now more helpers at the club they could still do with more .
14 But these deals are usually done with much government help .
15 Frankly , he did not suppose Adam had had anything directly to do with this at all .
16 It is nothing so ever to do with that Australian or Cockney mechanic . ’
17 They suggest that in many circumstances , and particularly more recently , the central problems facing management are not so much to do with control over labour but are much more to do with such matters as obtaining orders for products , getting the design right , innovating , and handling their relations with the capital market .
18 For the first set of songs , I had more to do with that side mainly because I 'm the guitarist , and I sit down with the guitar for 3 or 4 hours every day , so there 's always a riff there .
19 Was it just electrical power — hence the staggering sight of all the massed Glories — or was it more to do with some human power the Worm had absorbed in its long sojourn under Monument Hill ?
20 This may have had nothing to do with my arrival and more to do with some riots on the occasion of the funeral of the assassinated opposition leader but clearly they were taking no chances .
21 There 's another element which Your Lordships have not touched on to do with this land which is why er we are being very cautious about our plans for it and that is that er the union railways have indicated a requirement to lease two point eight acres of the land for site purposes from nineteen ninety seven to thousand and three er , but this will depend on the timetable for construction of the Channel Tunnel Link .
22 ‘ We could both do with some tea while the three of us are talking over what plans need to be made .
23 It could also do with more support for its keyboard .
24 ‘ We 're not nearly done with each other yet , are we ? ’
25 Well you could probably do with that more than hm trousers .
26 Palaeo-biological precedent dictated such an organ be housed in Gavin 's ample rear , and have responsibility for his lower limbs — not to say urges — rather than his arms , but then one never knew , and I reckoned Gavin 's modest forebrain — doubtless fully occupied with the post-modernist sub-texts and tertiary structuralist imagery of Red Heat — could probably do with all the help it could get .
27 Check that you 've not become over-involved in running marathons — your family , friends and workmates could probably do with some of your attention .
28 Oh did I laugh me just about done with these
29 I could really do with this .
30 I want some more chocolate , I could really do with another Boost .
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