Example sentences of "[adv] do i [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 much do I get from the bank ?
2 if you do n't want it all did I see Robert with you the other day ?
3 Not only did I draw a blank about the pictures , but political events were moving so fast that the book I had begun to write had ceased , after the completion of the amount of text Faber 's required , to be the one that needed to he written .
4 ‘ I knew , the moment I put the phone down from making that call to England , that not only did I love you with every breath of my being , but there was no way that I could take your being married to anyone but me . ’
5 Not only did I discover that all these tender little messages you keep sending me were probably written weeks in advance , but I also discovered just how many other women I share that privilege with .
6 What was more , not only did I have breakfast with I the family ( I live in the Smiths ' Quarter in Chelsea Barracks ) — toast , bacon and sausages , washed down with milk — but we had no muster parade that morning , and no Adjutant 's Orders to attend .
7 Not only did I have loops at the edge , but seven or eight stitches actually leapt off the needles .
8 Not only did I have to borrow a gown , I was even lent a jacket to go under it !
9 Not only did I get to model the clothes how I liked , I got to keep them all afterwards .
10 ‘ Now 'ow do I look , Sam ? ’ she asked as she stood preening herself .
11 So do I do these things ?
12 Yeah so do I do n't wan na lose touch with them now .
13 Yeah , so Do I start on this one ?
14 Hugh liked him from the first ; and so do I like him , I like him very well .
15 So do I divide that by five and then times it by ten ?
16 So do I have the right to say anything else or not er very , very briefly erm just one two points of criticism .
17 Not only do I care but the Government are meeting their obligations and providing procurement orders to ensure that our forces have the equipment that they need .
18 Not only do I suppose that the desk in my study exists when neither I nor anyone else is there to perceive it , I suppose that I , and everyone else , can perceive the same desk .
19 Not only do I consume vast amounts of raw materials — I am also a high-level polluter .
20 I must mention one member — Angela ( nee Feetenby ) — for her help to me has been second to none — not only do I congratulate her for that but on your behalf I want to wish her every happiness in her new life — she was married last July to Harry Bell .
21 Not only do I love the way this guitar looks but I can get some great sounds out of it , too .
22 ‘ Not only do I bite my nails , ’ he sighs , ‘ but the skin all around them . ’
23 Not only do I want to know the story but I want to know the whys and wherefores .
24 Not only do I find this displeasing on the eye but I feel it contributed significantly to our eventual relegation .
25 ‘ Not only do I find you quite extraordinarily beautiful , but I also feel that I have known you all my life .
26 That means not only do I get a glass of beer and a scone by the fire , and the chance to pat one of their huge pack of gorgeous shiny dogs , but if I ask politely and do n't step on the Jack Russell , I also get permission to bring my car along the private road .
27 I just want you to know that not only do I hate this dress , I hate you even more . ’
28 I am secretly relieved at the loss of the acid , for not only do I dislike hallucinogens , but I fear we will be stopped , yet another time , by the police .
29 I console myself by reflecting that not only do I have a higher lifetime-best break than he does ( 34–30 ) , I also hold several other table records .
30 ‘ Not only do I have Penny 's word for it , but I happened to see Nicky on television last night , participating in a chat show that always goes out live from a studio just two blocks away from our own building here . ’
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