Example sentences of "[adv] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 I looked doubtfully at the rickety structure of planks and corrugated iron .
32 Jack looked doubtfully at the waxen face of his stepfather .
33 Ingram looked doubtfully at the long table , rocking up and down like a lugger in a gale .
34 He looked doubtfully at the rain-filled skies .
35 ‘ He loves jumping , and he loves the atmosphere , especially at the indoor shows where it is more immediate — a packed arena with a receptive crowd seems to lift his performance .
36 To soften his feelings , however , we learned that the Professor from time to time gave him a fee which far exceeded the amount of the toll … just by the Bridge , turnstiles admitted foot-passengers to pass by different paths , intersecting the large extent of open ground , some of this led to Somers Town , Red Lion Street , etc … here and there , especially at the lower portion of the [ College ] ground , walls were standing , some of them being eight or ten feet high . ’
37 Some of our colleges are losing staff to the tertiary colleges as Burnham , especially at the lower levels , compares unfavourably with F.E. scales .
38 His nephew , John de Grandisson ( 1292–1369 ) , became bishop of Exeter in 1327 and before his election had continued the family 's role in diplomacy , especially at the papal court .
39 The engineer may request , especially at the tender stage , full details of the proposed resources and the contractor' pricing notes .
40 ‘ As far as the second submission is concerned , I am not able to accept , especially at the interlocutory stage , the extreme view of medical autonomy advanced by the local health authority and the Official Solicitor .
41 Government should review the present low standard of internal audit within all levels of public sector administration , especially at the central government level .
42 The main aim was to win new audiences and so there was always room for experiment , especially at the better end of the market .
43 I am prepared to argue that doing business involves , even at the lower levels in an organization but especially at the higher levels of management , semantic problem-solving ; for example , agreeing on boundaries , identifying individuals , establishing and maintaining classifications , conjecturing ways of doing things that belong in no existing formal schema .
44 This evidence is surprisingly extensive , especially at the western end of the site , though more excavation is essential to clarify its distribution .
45 Jaurès worked for reconciliation — especially at the international level — and discouraged conflict .
46 Researchers , especially at the Gerontological Research Center in Bedford , Massachusetts , are at work exploring another property of centrophenoxine that is causing excitement generally among gerontologists .
47 In the course of the 1960s the boundaries of what counted as " English " began to expand as more interdisciplinary and joint programmes of study were offered , especially at the new universities and later at the polytechnics .
48 This was reflected in a loosening of what had traditionally been a strong correlation between landownership and civil and military office , especially at the highest level .
49 But in general , and especially at the highest creative level , words were redundant .
50 Craigleith have produced a perfect card , winning all nine matches by more than the 2 per cent required — a very rare achievement , especially at the highest level . ‘
51 And at the same time , and slightly in contradiction to that , I found it increasing erm , er , perception and indication of dissatisfaction with the way in which the joint er , collaborative structures were actually working , if I may say , especially at the top level in terms of the political erm erm , so I say to you colleagues , that you are required as er , by statute to , to have in place collaborative structures , er , under a statute that goes back to the nineteen seventies , and I should also say to you that up and down the country that authorities like your own are at this stage doing what you 're doing , and that is reviewing the effectiveness of the operation of those structures , and probably coming to much the same conclusions .
52 The program designer needs to be in communication with the curriculum designer , especially at the very beginning of the development .
53 Outstanding successes followed in the 1960s , some alas to be only temporary , but some quite permanent especially at the northern and southern extents of the distribution of the disease .
54 The classes certainly do not mirror what you see on the British ballet stage , especially at the Royal Ballet .
55 However , the ‘ cross-boundary flow ’ adjustment has far-reaching implications for health care planning , in particular for equity and priorities , especially at the sub-regional level .
56 Even when considering the middle and working classes , though , we must not forget that mobility levels are still low enough to sustain different class cultures , especially at the extreme ‘ ends ’ of these classes in the upper middle class and the unskilled working class .
57 Having entered this Christian society the individual had to conform to its beliefs and to demonstrate conformity by attendance at Church , especially at the main feasts of the ecclesiastical year .
58 When calculating the mutual inductance we assumed that the magnetic field due to I1 appears instantaneously at the second ring .
59 You will make a report to me daily at the first hour of night .
60 I mean they , people er , the hairdresser 's for instance , they seemed to be there for evermore at the far end , towards I mean er , er , and then there was half way along on the other side and
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