Example sentences of "[adv] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's because it locks better at that groove .
2 A novice gets in better at this stage of his career than at any other , ’ he said .
3 Far better at any rate , than in the diaphanous sweet-pea tinted frills in which her mother and Miss Ernestine Baker seemed intent on smothering her .
4 At the same time , even when the circuit performs better at some loudspeaker impedances than the traditional Class B circuit , it still has worse performance than that of Class S because of the low , yet varying impedance seen by the main voltage amplifier for all loudspeaker impedances bar one .
5 Again , in a frenzied blur of storm-driven wind , ice-cold rain , glass and splintered wood , Cardiff was suddenly at that door now , tearing it open with one gloved hand while he pushed Jimmy and the girl through into the darkness .
6 Pulling up suddenly at that height puts a sudden , uncontrolled load on the cable and often results in a cable break .
7 Suddenly at this culmination point in the healing rite , the whole assembly became unaccountably convulsed with mirth , and the puzzled anthropologist , note-book at the ready , pushed her way forward to the front of the crowd .
8 If it sits at the bottom of your belly , glowering like a smouldering fire , threatening to explode suddenly at any time and paralyse you ?
9 This proved true above all at the time of which I write , or up to that time , because adolescence is as much a mental as a biological experience , and the arts meant much at that epoch , the last before the advent of Pop Culture , which has since taken over the adolescent mind rendering present that ‘ future ’ which Eliot dreaded .
10 When she 's taking solids , she wo n't want much at each meal .
11 After lunch ( at about two o'clock ) many of us feel tired and may take a short nap , even though body temperature does not nominally fall much at this time .
12 The school owed much at this time to the support of William Smyth , Bishop of Lincoln , who was one of the founders of Brasenose College in 1509 .
13 Increasingly Moran could be seen in the fields staring idly at some task he should be completing .
14 Apparently at this time Kington was also a popular starting point for tourists to Aberystwyth , with a daily stage coach for the sixty mile journey over the mountains .
15 A dozen or so well-bred men in dark suits — some of them , noted Dyson with interest , wearing Brigade ties — were standing about drinking gin and smiling agreeably at each other 's jokes .
16 Basically at this level as long as you understand the moon attracts the sea water and therefore you get high tide
17 The fourth and final bay , beginning again from its western end up to the gangway , contained on its northern side , Tilt Van repairs , and on the southern side was Bill Swindell preparing windscreens for motor vehicles ; alongside at this time was the experimental area for the Wolverton-designed mechanical horse .
18 He trod lightly , picking his feet up swiftly at each step in order to make as little contact as possible with the soft oozing mud .
19 It comes after growing concern about the amount of thefts of cars , and break-ins , especially at all day car parks , such as those at railway stations .
20 The Germans , especially at that time , were a highly gifted Aryan tribe in the full vigour of development .
21 ‘ Surely she did n't bathe alone at the Cove , especially at that time of the year ? ’
22 An excellent shoe especially at this price .
23 ‘ She 's been having trouble with her periods , if you must know , ’ she says , imputing a prurient inquisitiveness to Vic , although she is well aware that such gynaecological disclosures are the last thing he wants , especially at this hour of the morning .
24 ‘ I 'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my flat — especially at this hour .
25 Father God , We pray for those who are sick or sad , especially at this holiday period when there is so much stress on celebration and jubilation .
26 According to Vassiliou , US President Bush had understood the symbolic significance of any solution to the Cyprus problem " especially at this period when we have such an exacerbation of ethnic passions worldwide , particularly in Europe " .
27 The region of Conques suffered especially at this time from the breakdown of public authority and the rise of an aristocracy exercising local power from newly built castles .
28 As anyone will tell you , it 's easy to go over the limit , especially at this time of year when people are preparing for Christmas and buying presents .
29 A police spokesman said : ‘ It was a horrific crash , a terrible tragedy especially at this time of year . ’
30 Especially at this time of year when all too often the weather is as miserable as a dozen Mancunian pensioners waiting for the 211 to Gorton .
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