Example sentences of "[adv] they may be " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore they may be different ones from other bilateral or multilateral agencies , making a coordinated national conservation programme rather difficult .
2 Some people can take or leave cigarettes just as they can take Or leave an alcoholic drink — Others find that however hard they try to stop smoking and however much they may be aware of the damaging consequences of continuing to do so , they simply can not stop but find themselves compelled to continue .
3 You may have been in they may been in the infants when
4 I 've not had the experience perhaps of teaching so many dyslexic children to be able to comment on this , but certainly when I was making the videotape at Brickwall School and I asked the headmaster about that and he pointed to the fact that they certainly have a very wide intake , a complete social mix , and Professor Miles at Bangor University says that in his experience of dealing with dyslexic children they come from all walks of life , and it 's really quite inaccurate — I suppose there 's a sense in which , if we 've got to use these phrases , that middle class people have always been very concerned about the education of their children and so they may be the parents who will ask questions about their children 's lack of development , but I think it 's only , you know , more significant in middle class terms because of that .
5 But together they may be too big a proposition , and instead could turn from the hunted into the hunter .
6 What the public should remember is that the murderers the rapists have n't gone away … they 're in Bullingdon prison now and pretty soon they may be housed in Oxford prison
7 But strained through they may be , the last place you expect to see a dust-up between the two protagonists is in Portugal — unless of course you happen to be a historian with a penchant for the Peninsular Wars .
8 But given the speed at which this government is moving , few doubt that the new education reforms , what ever they may be , will be firmly cemented in place by the time the commission reports .
9 Although one would dearly like more supportive evidence , what we have so far indicates that isolated experiences rarely if ever leave permanent traces — however traumatic and however early they may be .
10 Later they may be able to admit these feelings and to begin to emerge from disabling melancholia and grief , and to make contact with other people and to begin to enjoy life again .
11 Hence additional measurements have often had to be made and not only should these be related to an a priori hypothesis but also they may be derived from small experimental areas .
12 Incredibly even if the person who set the snare is found out they may be beyond the reach of the law
13 Only see one way in which we are like God is in having moral and spiritual capacities no other creature has moral and spiritual capacities , they do not of the potential to worship , they do not of a code er , er , of moral laws , they 're not governed by that , it 's a case of , of the , might makes right , it 's a case of the strongest the one that survives and the weakest goes to the wall you 've only got to look er at a litter of pups and the last one is the one that 's pushed to the back every time is n't it , there 's no moral law there , those pups and the , and the bitch does n't er work out , that because that one is weaker it should be getting more , more nourishment , it should be cared for better , it does n't work like that in any thing else , but God has placed within humanity a moral responsibility and his place within as a spiritual capacity , were more than just animals , were created in his image , so God created us , capable of knowing him and growing to be like him and in his original creation they 're in need of , the , the , the highlight of it was when he came down and communicated and talked with Adam and Eve there in the garden and shared his heart with them and there was this perfect commune between God the creator and man his creation , he never did it to any animal , he did n't go and talk to the trees and the plants perfect though they were , he never looked on any of the other creatures that he had made , wonderful though they may be , beautiful in their colouring , and go and talk with them , but he talks with Adam and he shares his heart with him his purpose is that Adam should communicate with him and walk with him and has fellowship with him , growing to be like him , but you see even though God created us like that , he did n't create us as puppets , it was n't God up in heaven pulling the strings and Adam did that and Eve did this and that was how it were , God is not a puppeteer and he made as capable of choosing good and evil , he gave us moral choices , because he made us his moral beings and so we could choose to do this and not to do that , we could choose to , to do this and to leave the other undone .
14 It 's not other people , it 's not the problems that surround us , it 's not the people that we have to work with or the conditions in work , it 's not the next door neighbours , terrible though they may be , the real answer , for you and for me , lies within ourselves .
15 Japanese drift-nets in the 1970s were about 15 km ( 10 miles ) in length , but now they may be four times that length .
16 At present they are manufactured for Canon under licence by Sussex-based Audio Electronics , but eventually they may be made in the UK by Canon itself .
17 Besides they may be some value or of interest to a museum , you never know . ’
18 The dorsal arm plates are triangular and separated although proximally they may be nearly contiguous .
19 And then there 's things that come in like superannuation may be , pension payments if you 're in a scheme , lump sum repayments the sort of things that you ca n't spend but if you 're not here they may be going into the pot .
20 Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work , but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised .
21 Alternatively they may be filled with water made up to the appropriate strength of degreaser or caustic cleaner and heated to boiling point .
22 Alternatively they may be due to radiations coming from the plant , possibly reflectance on top of the simple ON/OFF pixel count due to area .
23 Alternatively they may be subsumed within the department and treated as a poor relation .
24 Often political and economic policies are unclear to educationists , sometimes they may be in the hands of tyrants , not infrequently they conflict , but they can never be ignored .
25 Act normally , as you would with someone else , but remember that sometimes they may be feeling a bit sad or tired .
26 Sometimes the Pemberton Musks are listed separately , sometimes they may be listed in with Modern Shrub Roses as well as Hybrid Musks , or they may be listed in with it , which is all very confusing .
27 One of the interesting things that I do is go every so often and talk to groups of British civil servants who are going to spend some of them a week some of them up to six weeks on an exchange visit erm with the French civil service , in an attempt to learn a certain amount erm about how the system works , both so that they will be able to understand more easily when it comes to joint erm ventures , joint matters , joint policies , what the other side is doing and the pressures within which it 's operating , and also so that sometimes they may be able to learn things , and pick up useful tips and hints about the way to handle a particular problem .
28 If you pruned them back by one-third of their height before moving them into their winter quarters , then they may be cut back once more by an equal amount .
29 Real changes will show up only in the next ten or 20 years , and even then they may be hard to monitor against the confused background of deteriorating conditions in today 's Soviet Union .
30 If they can identify positively the gene which is causing the trouble , then they may be able to correct it .
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