Example sentences of "[adv] not [art] case " in BNC.

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1 This is very much not the case with Tolkien .
2 However , if divergers are more unconventional , we might expect that some divergent girls would choose science , but this is apparently not the case .
3 This was apparently not the case in the co-transfection experiment with N-Oct 3 and N-Oct 5 expression plasmids ( Figure 4 ) .
4 This is often misunderstood as cleaning oneself of contamination , but is obviously not the case as is proven by the fact that they had to clean themselves carefully before going into the bath , or mikva as it is called , so it becomes clear that it was to purify themselves spiritually , not physically .
5 This is obviously not the case .
6 There is a vast fund of evidence to indicate that it is just not the case that the experience that observers undergo when viewing an object is determined solely by the information , in the form of light rays , entering the observer 's eyes , nor is it determined solely by the images on the retinas of an observer .
7 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
8 Because of the difficulties in communication , there has been a tendency for the intellectual abilities of people suffering from cerebral palsy to be underestimated , but this is now generally not the case .
9 However , for Chamberlain 's data , this was generally not the case .
10 This is patently not the case .
11 Clients may be fortunate that practitioners ' preferences match those suggested by research , but often this is palpably not the case .
12 It is probably not the case that the fees are fully economic .
13 I think that 's probably not the case , it is n't a person we 're transferring over , it 's a bit better than that , it 's a post , which means that Matthew can advertise with a particular emphasis on food background .
14 While the General Strike might be viewed as a watershed by some historians who feel that the trade union position worsened considerably after 1926 , this was clearly not the case ; trade unions were less frequently attacked by employers after 1926 than before and the pace of wage reductions slowed considerably .
15 This was clearly not the case with John Pearson , however , who did not have an incurable deformity , nor was unable to feed .
16 This did not mean that they were wholly resistant to new ideas — that was clearly not the case because many spoke of the helpful advice and information given on the farming , nutrition , health and child care programmes — but they seemed to resist anything which either conflicted with views they already held or seemed to have no relevance to their experience .
17 One was that the crack tip was elliptical or rounded , which is clearly not the case in detail in a material made out of atoms .
18 This is clearly not the case where some very frail old people are concerned but reciprocity can be viewed over a long time scale .
19 This , however , was clearly not the case , for the leading figures of the established church shared with their Presbyterian critics a common theological position , all of them being , in the historian Peter Lake 's phrase , ‘ credal ’ predestinarians .
20 Although the division of the Merovingian kingdom is often held to have been been traditional , this was clearly not the case in 511 .
21 This is clearly not the case in [ 8 ] , where a tall man has an attributive function .
22 Yet yesterday 's report , which highlighted fatal flaws in the system , showed that was clearly not the case .
23 Yes , but that 's really not the case here .
24 And he insisted : ‘ It 's now not a case of whether Blackburn will begin winning championship titles and cups , but when . ’
25 Thus , although it might be useful to remember a particular telephone number ( and so convert a short-term into a long-term memory ) , this is often not the case and we are unlikely to want to remember every hand of cards .
26 If the dress is being specially made for the bride it should be an easy matter to ask for an extra piece of the fabric with which to create the background , but since this is often not the case , a compromise must be reached .
27 This is because the prediction algorithm relies on the previous word positions being identified correctly , and this is often not the case .
28 It 's often thought that previous attempts have failed because there are n't enough well-trained classical actors in the USA to make such a repertory company feasible , but this is increasingly not the case : American drama students are eager to train in the UK , and the percentage of successful auditions held is relatively high .
29 Sometimes hearing a cycle of works by the same composer actually has the opposite effect , making one realise limitations in the music , but this is simply not the case with Brahms .
30 This is simply not the case and you will probably have to wait to hear if your mortgage application has been approved .
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