Example sentences of "[adv] i had find " in BNC.

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1 None the less I had found the evening reassuring and felt no difficulty in saying that I was sorry but I was suddenly most awfully tired and if no one minded I thought I would go to bed .
2 Meanwhile I had found out that tools could be borrowed ( instead of hired ) , from two local organisations already involved in similar work : Scottish Conservation Projects , and Lothian Conservation Volunteers .
3 Always I had found magic in small islands , and here was one with a full-rigged galleon of a cathedral as if moored alongside .
4 But , thinking the process through sensibly , I realised I needed to write an essay before winning the £200 , hence I had to find a suitable topic .
5 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
6 Then I had to find a cab and get back here .
7 It was the third day in July , page four , seven , three and then I had to find a word that I 'd never heard off before and put it up on the board .
8 Up until then I had found that when difficulties came or doubts arose in my Christian life , I could always escape their force by not holding myself answerable for my own faith .
9 And I told her about the timeslips , and how I had found myself back in her time .
10 I returned the book to the place on the shelf where I had found it and walked quietly out of the room .
11 A real let down , especially after all I had heard about it , not to mention all that nudge nudge wink wink from the son of the house in East Ham where I had found a room , and so much eyebrow raising and snorting from the father .
12 He proved to be the answer to my long-standing wish that someone would come along who could show in pictures the scenes where I had found beauty and interest and wanted others to see .
13 to New York where I had found the rogue ensconced in a suite of
14 That 's why I had to find out who James Worsdale was . ’
15 It was an intriguing prospect and I was all the more curious why I had found one of his handbills in my chamber at the Golden Turk .
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