Example sentences of "[adv] i [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Erm right I I would say , just leave that .
2 And erm I I I find it I mean I 'm not going to be sort of holier than thou about it all I mean , perhaps I myself might be tempted er one day .
3 Perhaps I I might amplify that a little .
4 Perhaps I I should .
5 Er but obviously I I would need my own transport .
6 So I we would like to see erm tax incentives for investment in the equity of unquoted companies and we 'd also like to see gains tax incentives for the realization of those investments a when when they pay it off .
7 Well I I I do n't know , you know , how practical a scheme as wide ranging as that would be , so I I wo n't pretend to waffle .
8 So I I would erm you know , quite often get bags of clothes , and s we sorted them out , and give them to people with erm quite large families and erm we used to also get some for the tenants ' association for the jumble sales .
9 When it comes to really assist those who er of the so I I would be grateful if members would remember that this item is on the agenda because first of all petition received and secondly because there is no explanation in that not the time to discuss whether this application should be .
10 So I I would like to ask the meeting whether erm I suppose technically for advice on this topic .
11 I never buy it of fortnightly so I I 'll go to the shop and I 'll say , Right , probably seven tins of beans , seven tins of peas , er you know a few tins a few beans er tins of spaghetti and things like that you know , bits and bobs , but I 'll still get a joint for me Sundays .
12 So I I 'll move back a bit .
13 We auc we auctioned the books after as you know and erm so I I 'll have to make a new list of what 's left and let you have it .
14 Erm so I I 'll concentrate on those those
15 So I I 'll burn them .
16 There 's a lot of burglaries round I admit yeah , but there 's not much violence and drugs and things like that , so I I used to think it was good living round .
17 So I I 'd do it today
18 So I I 'd I , I do n't really want one !
19 ‘ It is not just me you will be obstructing when you object to my seeing her body . ’
20 He should say , ’ It is not me you must persuade , Helmut , but the British people .
21 That 's so funny on the , have you seen that erm advert on John Smiths where he goes , , not me I 'll just settle for a can of John Smiths , and dandruff
22 Finally I I would say that to erm Mike I think the amendment that is now before us which we are supporting goes considerably further than the original federative option .
23 I I can not I I can not believe that it is w within the the standards of the conservative party that I joined , that this sort of diary writing , gossipy , pseudo history er is part of the convention .
24 Er , but clearly I I will commit whatever time I have available , and I shall make as much time as available , I have the support of Ross , my wife , this is all fully discussed before I even went through the panelling process .
25 Er firework night now I we would get bangers , put them , get a dustbin lid and , and put the banger under the dustbin lid and the dustbin lid used to go up because they were big bangers then .
26 And th the local there was a local brewery , now I I ca n't quite remember which brewery it was , during the er during the General Strike , they er they decided to er to send out barrels of beer .
27 Er now I I would expect , I do n't know whether it 's worth talking about the general principle that we 're talking about different routes here and as i understand , the purpose today was to talk about the need for relief roads and I would expect at some future date , at a public enquiry when er I 'm defending er the outer blue er the outer northern route , to defend why that was chosen as opposed to an inner northern route and not rely upon the key diagram in the structure plan and the stars that are shown on there .
28 Now I I 'd just like your your opinions as to what you think that erm you you would How would you think about that as a accident ?
29 I mean even me I could if I lifted it up
30 I think if I make a cake today I I 'd rather put sultanas in .
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