Example sentences of "[adv] for just a " in BNC.

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1 I think I need to put the immersion on for just a little while .
2 High living standards had encouraged migration to these republics from other parts of the USSR , and this became one of the issues most central to the development of a powerful and widely supported nationalist movement in the late 1980s , particularly since the Baltic nations were relatively few in number and tended to have low birth and high divorce rates ( in Latvia , where golden and silver wedding anniversaries had formerly been celebrated , there were ceremonies in the 1980s for couples that had been together for just a few years ) .
3 Going away for just a day before Christmas to visit a friend or relative , just to let Alan Markby and Laura Danby know that she did have someone else , would bolster her morale .
4 She was outside for just a second .
5 A pond that is iced over for just a few days will come to no harm , but in a prolonged freeze , the fish may suffer unless you take precautions .
6 They were all out for just a hundred and fifty seven and the outcome was never in doubt after Graham Gooch and Ian Botham an opening stand of fifty in reply .
7 I was quite pleased to be back home but I missed the excitement of the trips and wanted to go back for just a few more days .
8 ‘ You said you were here for just a week ? ’
9 Instead of being admitted for the night , she 'll be here for just a few hours .
10 And for the really adventurous there are opportunities to go much further , even for just a weekend — though it may be sensible to add on a day or two .
11 Maintaining that calm , uncaring façade even for just a few minutes had taken a lot out of her , and she felt the faint beginnings of a headache behind her eyes .
12 He 'd first appeared a few months earlier for just a few minutes .
13 It was there for just a second or two , then it moved away quickly .
14 Yes , well Michael Wright , I think you want to come in there for just a second .
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