Example sentences of "[adv] for their [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their main source of information was meter reading , which , of course , told them nothing about what purposes domestic electricity was used for , and , more importantly for their costs , about what times of day it was used .
2 It was solely permissive — but it was precisely those owners who cared little for their sites who were likely to refuse protection .
3 Old boys of the Academy and the New English Art Club often work most purposefully for their peers , familiars and friends .
4 No praise is high enough for their efforts and the kindness shown to myself and my wife .
5 When agents are few enough for their decisions to affect others , they are bound to behave ‘ strategically ’ — ie , take those effects , and the likely response of other agents to them , into account .
6 ‘ The plain truth is that farmers did not recognise the inevitable and lobby hard enough for their interests in what was an entirely predictable future .
7 They feel nothing they do is important enough for their parents to bother about .
8 So , under men like Halsbury , they reacted to the legislation of the later nineteenth century with all the inflexibility of those who are determined that what was good enough for their fathers ' social and economic structures was good enough for them .
9 The campesinos kept enough for their families ' needs over the year and handed the rest of the harvest in to the Supplies Team .
10 Shame on me for this is the first issue of SR I 've ever read ( Nov ) , but I hope it will not be the last , for may I say , I think I may have at last found a space where I can be heard — most women 's magazines shun the type of letter I submit — not cosy enough for their letters pages , I suspect .
11 The room , which overlooked the booking hall or the station , was large enough for their purposes and grandly panelled in mahogany .
12 The producers flew to New York to check Mortimer 's out , then decided it was n't ‘ glitzy ’ enough for their purposes .
13 Black people can be denied eligibility by rules which were originally drawn up for completely different purposes ; property let to ethnic minorities tends to be of lower quality than that allocated to the white population ; and black families , which tend to be larger , may not find council accommodation which is large enough for their needs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
14 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
15 If two adults share with two children under 16 , the children stay free — you pay only for their meals .
16 We are not against unions , we are for unions , unions can be very useful not only for their members but also for the management , we recognise that .
17 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
18 In Villette , other characters than the narrator are described in great depth , not only for their relationships with Lucy Snowe , but as characters in their own right .
19 And here I state my prejudice over caves : I like those that have cave art or artefacts to show , I like much less those exhibited only for their concretions , their stalagmites , stalactites and other natural forms .
20 However , while they remain in the hands of farmers , and while agricultural workers are completely dependent on their employers not only for their jobs but also for housing and education , there can be little hope of real improvement or of community involvement .
21 Er and they developed these skills , as I said earlier , basically for their husbands for use in inclement weather and gradually as they obviously got to m make more and more they got these to trade .
22 So the opposition have not quite as long for their inquests and recuperative action as the bleak dawn of last Friday may have made them think .
23 In the general election of 1983 , 63 per cent of the vote for the Liberal-SDP Alliance was motivated by dislike for the other parties rather than by a positive liking for their own party of choice — still less for their policies .
24 Such a view assumes that as wives , mothers and daughters , women care less for their families because they are more active outside the home .
25 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
26 If I remember , that was on a Saturday night when the gents came down for their pickings .
27 IN HIS NIGHTMARE , the device with the beeping alarms misfired because , by 7:59 , the audience was laughing too loud for their watches to be heard .
28 The very same women who had been all for their daughters travelling abroad seemed suddenly to get bored with the idea .
29 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
30 Nobody thought of anything it was just everybody coming in for their meals .
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