Example sentences of "[adv] for a day " in BNC.

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1 The Campbells steamer his mother had once taken him on for a day trip to Ilfracombe .
2 Everything cooks very slowly in a slo-cooker because the heating element is extremely gentle and costs no more to use than leaving a light bulb switched on for a day ( a few pence ) .
3 She thought and worked and grieved only for a day at a time .
4 In a sense , a very basic one , the riots were political : " a groping desire to settle accounts with the rich , if only for a day and to achieve some rough kind of social justice " .
5 but , it 's only for a day , so you do n't really know
6 She had been inside for a day .
7 Ask if you can come down for a day or two .
8 Pam has come down for a day of shopping , bringing along our adopted younger sister Kath .
9 Diane locked herself in her bedroom and would n't come down for a day because she was afraid of her father 's anger .
10 Firms would invite favoured clients or business associates down for a day at Sandwich , either as a reward for past favours rendered or in the hope that the goodwill created would lubricate some future deal .
11 I picture you on a trip up to London , perhaps for a day 's work experience at the offices of some conglomerate .
12 ‘ Last Tuesday Nellie , my wife , had to go to hospital and they kept her in for a day and a night for eye tests .
13 Cos I 've let myself in for a day of temping .
14 PUPILS at a Middlesbrough school welcomed the Bishop of Whitby into their classrooms when he called in for a day 's visit .
15 but a more intricate type of operation , where you 've got to be in for a day , they 're not
16 After a preliminary strategic session in London , fields were divided into four cognate groups and each was visited separately for a day on the basis of a volume of field proposals and a critical review .
17 Sometimes she would stay away for a day or two .
18 She told him in fact that Dinah had gone away for a day or two , but shortly a letter came .
19 For once the preciseness of the words did not irritate Aggie , and she answered gently , ‘ I 'm sorry , love , but … but she 's had to go away for a day or two . ’
20 ‘ I 've been away for a day or two ; I lost me father . ’
21 I may go through for a day you know .
22 I may go through for a day you know .
23 It might be possible to book them just for a day .
24 well I , apprehensive is the word really , but he , I think he came down the other , this week just for a day and spent back here and saw one or two people and I think he 's happier now
25 It was the fancy of the good Doctor to bring together , from time to time , a considerable number of men whose lives were devoted to the advancement of science , and to entertain them , not for a day merely , but for several days , so that they might discuss together , without hurry or excitement , those matters of practical and theoretical science which were at the moment engaging the attention of the scientific world .
26 ‘ And I suppose you 've come home for a day or two 's holiday ?
27 To avoid seeing Mr Boldwood , Bathsheba herself arranged to visit Liddy at her sister 's home for a day or two .
28 ‘ The Bamford Hunt always gathers in the Market Square on Boxing Day and after downing a glass or two of something sustaining , moves off for a day 's sport , watched by the local populace .
29 On the Saturday before our departure our group was sent off for a day 's grape picking at Puyloubier , the rest home for injured and retired former legionnaires , in the foothills of Provence , about two hours ' drive from Aubagne .
30 ‘ So we 're bunking off for a day or two .
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