Example sentences of "[adv] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Any production of ‘ A Midsummer Night 's Dream ’ with a host of well-known film stars , plus music by Mendelssohn , could not help but be of interest , but apparently it never did make a box-office fortune for MGM .
2 for it and he said well , well er basically it just got down to well if you kiss me I 'll give it to you and then , and then he decided that if I kissed him
3 This tendency has steadily increased , and alongside it there has been a different but related tendency , as combine and corporate ownership have become much more common in book publishing .
4 Not having to give verbal commands seemed uncanny at first , but before long it just seemed natural .
5 ‘ For so long it just did n't seem real any longer .
6 What I do is I just get a bus at Hertford and walk to Hertford and normally it does n't take long it only takes about ten minutes
7 Language is as old as consciousness , language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men , and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well ; language like consciousness , only arises from the need , the necessity of intercourse with other men .
8 D' you think when The Bomber came down it just killed twenty people and left the rest of us drinking Korn and singing fal-lal-lal ?
9 I turned the corner into Bank Street , pounded down it just missing two lamp-posts , took a sharp left into Adam Smith Street and came to McGarvie 's garage .
10 Compassion 's an interesting word — when you break it down it literally means ‘ to suffer with ’ .
11 Perhaps it just grew and matured until it took in all their emotions , but his hands began to smooth her back and shoulders , until in the end his fingers were threaded through her hair and his big , warm hands were holding her steady while he kissed her with mesmerising thoroughness .
12 Perhaps it just had n't registered .
13 Er perhaps it er perhaps it also prompts a greater fear of not being in control , a greater fear of of er not being in in some way in command of the situation because then somebody might do something to you .
14 Why it should be so in the case of the United Kingdom constitution is , again , a matter of history — and perhaps it again behoves us to bear in mind that the constitution is a process , rather than a settled state of things .
15 Perhaps it even explained his relationship with Virginia Dysart .
16 Perhaps it scarcely mattered to him .
17 Perhaps it still has the charm of novelty ? ’
18 His throat had stopped tickling , but then again perhaps it never had .
19 Even though she had learned so recently that this was not the authentic voice of her mother , the intellectual knowledge had changed nothing , nothing , and perhaps it never did .
20 Perhaps it really had all been a terrible misunderstanding .
21 Perhaps it all has to do with being unworldly and prepared to believe in the little people at the end of the garden .
22 Perhaps it all has something to do with those mind-bending drugs .
23 And if that was n't enough it also offered an impressive array of sexual permutations : gay , bi and toyboys , as well as old-fashioned adultery .
24 Only it still managed to give her an excuse not to look at him .
25 Mum married beneath her , as they say , she had an education , only it never took , she was n't bright .
26 I think it 's great shame that were not able to come more often now but I do n't think that the replacement scheme is really a replacement cos it relies on you getting the most expensive seats I would rather see lots of things cheaply rather than just one or two things more expensively it also does n't include studio theatre many of the productions I think are excellent and there 's no advantage there .
27 In doing so it probably aroused some sympathy among the Party membership , though it could not prevent a movement which was receiving support from national figures .
28 These are not cheap holidays so it probably rules out the D category .
29 they 're about the same , so when the hundred gram bar has got the extra ten per cent it 's it 's just just makes it the better bargain , er , they 're not losing much on that cos they save on the wrapping , so it probably costs them the same
30 So it just depends .
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