Example sentences of "[adv] and go into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought he 'd be man enough to — ’ but Leith had other things on her mind and wasted no time cutting in and going into orbit .
2 After gorging itself it would lie down and go into a digestive torpor , and could alternately eat and doze over a period of several weeks .
3 It 's like a speck of dust drifts down and goes into my eye and I look up to see where it came from and I 'm hit by this tonne of bricks ; it hits me that hard .
4 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
5 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
6 In any other sphere of life , when the demand for your product collapses for reasons entirely beyond your control , you do n't try to drum up new custom , you wind the business down and go into something more profitable ’ ‘ But there is a disturbing feeling about that something irreversible may be happening in the world and it is not to Britain 's advantage .
7 He left her to settle down and went into his study .
8 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
9 For a moment it hovered over her thoughts then , with an ease born of long practice , she pushed it away and went into her dressing room .
10 John never forgave Lawrence for breaking away and going into competition with him .
11 ‘ We were both dancing and then she sort of fell over and went into a fit .
12 As I was putting the thermometer back in its case the calf suddenly toppled over and went into a frothing convulsion .
13 But he did not admit defeat to the extent of turning the television off ; he simply left it on and went into another room .
14 He rubbed his eyes , rose slowly and went into the bedroom .
15 We got ready quickly and went into the street .
16 A red biplane from Crowfield had taken off and gone into a loop when he came out of the loop he could n't pull the plane level and he crashed into a field .
17 Here are a couple who must be just rejoicing in this kind of weather because when it 's cold the only way they get warm is to take their shoes or boots off and go into bed in the early evening with all their clothes on .
18 Leading the Japanese , Mitsuo Fuchida fired a flare at 0740hrs to launch the attack as they flew along the west coast of Oahu , the bombers broke off and went into their attacking run on the airfields .
19 " Now as soon as Rabscuttle got inside the King 's palace , he scurried off and went into one of the dark burrows ; and here he hid all day .
20 Other animals avoid the difficulties of winter by reducing their metabolic rate even further and going into a state of torpor or hibernating .
21 The next morning she got up early and went into the bathroom and locked the door .
22 Shikampur kept his advantage as Richards roused his mount to full steam , and a quarter of a mile out Pinza swept past and went into a decisive lead .
23 After a minute I get up and go into my old room .
24 So make sure it 's safe , take your casualty from the cause , you may have to resuscitate , now if a person swallows something by mouth , there 's two types of poisons , one can go by mouth and one is er corrosive and the other is non-corrosive , but at the same time you have a liquid or tablets , now if it 's a corrosive liquid that you have swallowed or somebody has swallowed , it 's burning as it 's going down , and may I say in first aid you never ever on any circumstances make anybody sick er especially poisons , can you imagine if it 's burnt going down it 's probably perforated the food pipe and somebody comes along and overdoses on the water , because you can give sips of water for corrosive , well it 's because you 're trying to keep the airway open , if it 's burning , corrosive is burning you 'll get swelling , so this is why you give sips of water , but if you give too much your casualty will be sick and if it 's burnt going down and perforated the tubes and they 're bringing it up again it 's gon na burn coming up and go into those perforations that and cause further damage .
25 I mean we could go back up and go into Ashpoles and then just go down Park with er black widows and just blow the shit out of everything .
26 it 's like party balloons , she 's got like water balloons I mean , with water and , they was , I had them in this box mucking about , I was trying take something out , and then like we dropped a water balloon in their bathroom and erm , we started having water fight , and that they filled them up and go into the balloons and then you go and tie it up
27 Geraldine hung up and went into her living room .
28 I then got up and went into another room , where I found the father Delavaud , still clothed , and lying on the bed , dead .
29 Then he heaved himself up and went into the lavatory .
30 He stifled a yawn then stood up and went into the kitchen .
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