Example sentences of "[adv] be [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 Well , not necessarily , sometimes I do n't tell them at all or they comment on it and I explain , it 's a , but it 's only been yesterday and today you see really .
2 The House of Commons Environment Committee ( which could be presumed to care about being popular ) , the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee ( which has more expertise and rather less concern with popularity ) and the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ( which has most expertise of all and absolutely no interest in popularity ) have all been robustly and consistently critical of most parts of the waste-disposal chain .
3 The same for rehearsals — I think we 've all been there and discovered the dos and don'ts , and they 're pretty obvious anyway .
4 Not only are more and more people willing and able to go and look at the countryside , but the trend is towards more active recreational pursuits , involving the more extensive use of space and paralleled by an extension of the time spent there .
5 And the vision held out was of a Russia transformed from grinding poverty , ignorance , and rural backwardness into a society that would not only be just and free but modern , dynamic , industrial .
6 If the current trend continues , the landowners to whom the bothies belong , could decide that enough is enough and withdraw their permission for usage .
7 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
8 This tragic game can go on for the rest of their lives or one of them can decide enough is enough and withdraw .
9 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
10 After a long running row with the locals , the diocese has decided enough is enough and plan legal action .
11 Poetry alone is worldwide and limitless ; and even through the mangling of translation , the images of beauty come through a hundred tongues unsullied .
12 Other critics shared his view that enough was enough and gave both Marilyn French 's The War Against Women and Susan Faludi 's Backlash a pretty cool reception .
13 As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours , the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that , at least for that evening , enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions … .
14 I got some more sedatives in anticipation , and eventually had to turn him out when he decided one night that enough was enough and kicked several large holes in the stable wall .
15 The bonanza went on until the church thought enough was enough and so on a Sunday evening in August , a concerted effort was made and strong sermons were preached from every pulpit against bee wine and its evil effects .
16 However , J. came to the decision that enough was enough and all he wanted now was to get out of the RAF and pursue a civilian career .
17 One of the group decided enough was enough and stayed put .
18 so it came as no surprise when Audrey Roberts decided that enough was enough and stormed out , leaving Alf puzzled and in the lurch .
19 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
20 Under such circumstances it was normally assumed that , although the Monarch would probably seek advice in order to discover what persons would be acceptable to the party in power , yet for the final choice she alone was morally and constitutionally responsible .
21 If we are brought up to think of asking for help as childish , and if our own requests for help have not been swiftly and cheerfully met , we are less likely to respond in a simple and positive way to demands .
22 People spoke of the great times when he fought sea-battles all over the Sudreyar and further south , in England and Ireland and Wales , but he , Paul , had not been there and did n't remember them .
23 The first floor chamber ( 3c ) is empty , but the chambers above are wickedly and horribly different .
24 The range of objectives to be met , and potential opponents , are narrower and this time the ground has already been well and truly broken by a predecessor .
25 Like a woman who 's just been well and truly kissed .
26 No player , with the single exception of Ian Botham , is photographed or talked about more than Graham Gooch , whose story has just been reliably and thoroughly told by Ivo Tennant in a book boldly entitled Graham Gooch , The Biography ( £15.99 ) .
27 Even in softly flowing ballets such as Monotone II where no impetus should be seen as deliberate , it must nevertheless be there and firmly controlled lf , for example , the two boys are to turn the girl sur pointe with her working leg stretched upwards and her head and body bent downwards over her supporting leg .
28 Young chicks who genuinely want to be part of , and help develop , the scene will swallow his rubbish ( coming from the leading headpaper ) and will soon be mentally and physically ruined and incapable of normal deep feelings . ’
29 GUIL : We 'll soon be home and high — dry and home — I 'll
30 GUIL : ( The nursemaid ) There ! … and we 'll soon be home and dry … and high and dry …
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