Example sentences of "[adv] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and MOS equipment , which again , we we 've b successfully been doing over the last two or three years .
2 Having worked his way up via his own live spoof chat show Vic 's Big Night Out , he has latterly been guesting on television 's One Hour With Jonathan Ross , a show whose format bears a strong resemblance to Reeves 's own showcase .
3 ‘ To the preparation of both courses of lectures I gave far more attention than I had latterly been giving at Durham . ’
4 Just then my sister , who had secretly been listening outside the forge , called to Joe through one of the windows , ‘ You fool !
5 Knuckle down to any jobs you 've been promising all and sundry to do , but have secretly been avoiding like the plague .
6 ENGINEERS at Philips in Britain have secretly been working on a flat screen television for several years , while hotly denying the fact .
7 But our legal practice is not unilateralist in this way over the broad reaches of the private law that we have mostly been discussing in this book-judges very often decide for the plaintiff , as they did in McLoughlin , when according to conventionalism the plaintiff had no legal right to win .
8 Spoiled and wilful she might be at times , but the emotional distance between them caused by the difference in their ages and their forced separation in childhood had slowly been closing over the past two years .
9 In the meantime , all the genuine members who 've stayed on are livin' in the tented village they 've set up in the grounds , around the burned out house .
10 Hello there , oh not too bad y'know erm let's see , just done child sex abuse , or rather been talking about it
11 The implication of moral blackmail in robbing patient services to pay nurses remained a ghost at the banquet for the media , and for many nurses , who had still to reconcile the jobs they had perhaps been doing for years with the management 's idea of their responsibilities , and the clinical grade to which they aspired .
12 The main stumbling block had been the appointment of its chair [ see pp. 37712 ; 37777 ; 37858 ] , a problem temporarily resolved on Dec. 11 when Prince Norodom Sihanouk , who had hitherto been pressing for the chairmanship , called on the SNC to " stop talking about the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship … and have the 12 SNC members , on an equal footing , work for peace " .
13 The Finnish government had hitherto been pressing for a change in the plans , to incorporate a special section allowing passage for rigs over 65 metres high .
14 As somebody who is still under thirty and er like my good friend Mister young enough to have a positive approach to Europe , I am pleasantly surprised that the people opposite are gon na make my job a lot easier because the narrowness and the anti-diluvian attitudes that we see on the benches opposite explain why , in the last Euro elections , the Labour Party won a resounding victory on the issue of Europe .
15 Then it had suddenly been galloping over the sleeping bodies of a large wolf pack and , again , its mad speed had been such that the furious yelping had been left far behind .
16 English wine growers have only been operating on a commercial basis for the past 20 years .
17 Sorry I ca n't really sort of say I must admit I could n't really see why they should be like that really cos I mean it is a bit puzzling cos if they 've only just done anything , they 've only been tampering with this finger so
18 The E-culture has only been raving since 1986 , so perhaps it is too early to tell if it can cause long term mental changes .
19 If he had really only been looking for shelter and a place to doss down for the night , why look further than this ?
20 But you 've only been skiing for a short while .
21 ‘ We will want to know if the warning lights had only been flashing for 10 seconds and not 30 . ’
22 Considering she 's only been sailing for a couple of days , she 's doing very well .
23 Croce , a noted Philadelphia cancer researcher , has only been collecting for the past ten years , specialising in Italian seventeenth-century paintings and drawings .
24 In fact , he has only been working as a professional for three years or so , and has had to learn his trade by trial and error .
25 ‘ He 's only been working for Harry for a few weeks .
26 A number of experiments on bone modification in soil have been initiated , but they have only been running for five years and so far there is no good evidence of any change .
27 Carole Rue , BT 's network services development manager , said : ‘ Although the trial has only been running for a few weeks we 're most encouraged by the initial response from our customers .
28 Erm my course has only been running for three years .
29 Cos it 's only been running for three years
30 I saw the evil light in his eyes and knew that so far they had only been playing with me : their real intent was to kill .
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