Example sentences of "[adv] be your [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suggest that most of the sentiments you express so forcibly are your own , Mr Peck .
2 So was your main work in the power station , checking everything was running alright ?
3 Some good news for harassed mums and dads : Saturday morning could soon be your own again .
4 I mean if they were known widely through the island they might have bids going further but it might just be your own district .
5 So it is essential to check with your travel agent or bank on your destination 's quirks and then think about other possible needs , as money may not be your only consideration .
6 The local MP might well not be your political favourite , any more than he is now : he would still be your MP , representing your constituency .
7 ‘ He may not be your favourite person at the moment , but Adam did invite me and it is his home that I would be wandering about in . ’
8 That you could not be your own man until you had . ’
9 The refrigerator was easy , you just opened the door and put food in it until it looked like an igloo inside , and then a pair of hands which might or might not be your own came along and cleared out the ice so that you could use it again .
10 A safe and effective working environment will always be your best investment .
11 This office should always be your first point of contact .
12 Perhaps I 'm bigger and older now , but I 'll always be your little Anne .
13 Begging you will not take it amiss I shall ever be your dutiful servant .
14 The interest and relevance of the topic will probably be your prime concern in selecting material of this kind .
15 The Perkins 4203 diesel of 3 3 litres would probably be your best choice It will fit the LR chassis without modification The cost is relatively low ( £300-£500 ) and including overhaul and adaptor kit should not cost over £1,000 plus the cost of an overdrive needed to achieve a realistic cruising speed
16 I ca n't remember the cost but you need to buy a plastic pump and a large bottle of the solution , it 'll last for ages and a good going over the whole house once a month will probably be your best bet .
17 You should also read this section if the process you are currently setting up is your live database .
18 But it would depend very much on you getting hold of the relevant minister-it would probably almost inevitably be your own secretary of state- and saying , ‘ Look we really must have a situation where there is a discussion about the Falklands . ’
19 Patients will often be your greatest ally when testing yourself for the first time .
20 But now is your big opportunity to begin training her as your chief assistant . ’
21 So here are your six wagon-loads of treasure back again , King Voukashan . "
22 Here are your filthy sheets , ’ she used to say .
23 And this may well be your first and last chance to surrender .
24 This could well be your best bet .
25 If you have heavy use of any of the three items it is likely you will buy dedicated machines — if you have an existing PC , and need these hi-tech services occasionally this could well be your next purchase .
26 The Sound Organisation ( 4 Pickfords Wharf , Clink St , London SE1 , 071 403 2255 ) often have overhauled examples of the latter in stock , a perfect way to make what may well be your last vinyl upgrade at a reasonable price .
27 Mhm , and told them that you would n't be your present arrangement
28 So , if there 's anything of a medical nature you 'd like to put to Kathleen , tomorrow 's your big chance .
29 John 's mother wrote : ‘ My Darling John , today is your second birthday away from home and our thoughts are with you every second . ’
30 Today is your lucky day .
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