Example sentences of "[adv] thought [that] the " in BNC.

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1 I at once thought that the poor fellow had had a pretty rough day and had gone to sleep as he had n't made a sound .
2 ‘ I messed around with it and got into this thing of splitting up the amps because I always thought that the guitar was a bit flat in mono .
3 When I was a little lad I always thought that the dilemma to be or not to be had something to do with choosing pencils ( surely 2B or not 2B ? ! )
4 She and this animal treated each other with mutual contempt , like an old unhappily married couple , and I always thought that the only reason he did n't bite her or she have him put down was that they disliked the rest of the world even more than each other and would have been even more miserable and lonely than they were in their trap of hostility .
5 I always thought that the LMS colours were black lined red and white or ‘ Midland Red ’ lined in Gold .
6 Clifford always insisted that there must be a real ‘ conversion ’ for each individual although he also thought that the belief in individualism had been pushed too far both in the Church and in society .
7 Whatever date one ascribes to the letter , Remigius conceived of Childeric 's power in terms of Roman provincial rule , and he also thought that the clergy had a right to advise , even though the ruler might be barbarian and pagan .
8 It never occurred to her to worry about what was to be done with her , though she wryly thought that the hospitality of the military establishment seemed to be a constant throughout human history .
9 She now thought that the Church was under attack from a Vatican more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people .
10 He now thought that the Shah should keep his distance from Washington .
11 On the one hand , although he now thought that the Commonwealth was " little more than a figure of speech " , he acknowledged America 's continuing interest in a British presence in the Indian Ocean .
12 In an obituary , Seamus Heaney wrote , ‘ There was about him a delicate wildness , and he often thought that the hare , about which he had gathered so many entrancing stories , was his proper , total animal .
13 I sometimes thought that the social considerations of people like my mother militated more against religion than atheism or simple sin .
14 There is no need to say more here about Anselm 's primatial activity : he certainly thought that the evidence was sufficiently strong for him to make a most uncompromising claim to primatial authority over the whole of the British Isles , and it is quite clear that he did not think that the Canterbury claim to this position rested on a series of specific grants by popes after Gregory the Great .
15 ‘ Look , ’ said Lisa , ‘ I never thought that the Women 's Liberation Movement would be spread by word , rather than action , but that is how it is . ’
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