Example sentences of "[adv] to make a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In designing the course , full account has been taken of the need to provide students with the skills necessary not only to make a contribution to the current environment , but also to be sufficiently adaptable to the exciting future of the industry .
2 It had n't taken long to make a fool of herself .
3 Downstairs the ten-year-old and the eight-year-old are quietly occupied in running three of the old dungeons together to make a games room .
4 And that 's an encouraging line because those of us , and I include myself who am not always articulate , who ca n't always get the , the words together to make a sentence and finish it , can try nevertheless to come up with something which is interesting , can contain the ‘ Hey , this is for you , ’ for the audience , along the lines we 've been talking about yesterday .
5 Appreciation of the ways in which the various shapes are related enables the teacher to ask further leading questions when a suitable opening presents itself in a child 's play ( e.g. commenting on the way the flat slabs will go together to make a staircase of three steps — ‘ What would we need to make the next step ? ’ ) .
6 Three so good you should find that three pieces just like that the same size as that would all just fit together to make a whole .
7 All you have to do is draw all the little bits of an object and push them all together to make a silhouette of the object and then performing one combine operation joins them all together to make an outline that would take you a lot longer to draw in one piece .
8 You wired them together to make a kind of pyramid .
9 The dream to join the two ramps together to make a 32ft wide superramp was finally realised this year and the work was completed in March .
10 Turn the right side ( smooth side of knitting ) to the inside and fold it so the two side edges of the knitting can be sewn together to make a tube .
11 They all joined together to make a group called COMBAT .
12 pieces together to make a picture .
13 If you want to join two bags together to make a double , make sure the zips are compatible .
14 Another possibility is to place two rectangular cakes together to make a football pitch .
15 But it seems that , I mean , redressing a paper that you know what it says is one thing erm so something like Hillman 's Guardian , he knows what words they are going to use in those headlines and he provides them with a new look for saying those words in , but in many ways his redesign of that paper was erm it was an undynamic one in the sense that he was still providing them with elements which they could bolt together to make a page in a classic broadsheet newspaper way .
16 Tony Smith 's ( non-flying ) Flying Flea lines up with the C100 below to make a pair of early private pilot machines .
17 The bundle boundary is then projected down to make a boundary for the space-time .
18 She went down to make a drink , and as she turned the light on in the dingy kitchen a dark thing shot across the floor to disappear under the dresser .
19 Two girls sat down to make a picture together of the river they had seen the previous day .
20 Poppy seemed so much happier — the staff at the home had obviously helped to build her trust in people , although she still cowered if someone bent down to make a fuss of her .
21 Or , among much robust , dark furniture , the zuzulu , a wooden settle part of whose back let down to make a table .
22 Sadly , after Hevelius 's death , the beautiful copper engraving from which the now ‘ obsolete ’ map had been printed was melted down to make a tea-kettle .
23 They are often organised and structured in the interests of influential and powerful bodies in order to make a particular point , perhaps to make a case for more money or resources , or to show a particular body or organisation in a good light .
24 and erm , he 's got in the , in the fabric one he 's got double doors and all the rolls of carpet and erm , he 's got a table in there and obviously to make a cup of tea , got a couple of beds in there cos he 's sold them and it 's like a big warehouse and erm all around there there 's a big concreted area , you know , and er all these units and that 's where we , we reckon it is .
25 Better to make a joke of it .
26 You 'd have to put glue powder and water in to make a water based printing ink .
27 Many things have to be put in to make a factory work .
28 You might wish to put a project in to make a point
29 ‘ As the sexy songbird marvelled at the underwater wildlife , the huge maneater moved in to make a meal of the talented star , ’ reported the Sport .
30 The door was flung open before Rincewind could collect himself sufficiently to make a dash for the window .
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