Example sentences of "[adv] seen as [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is probably also right when he says that he is only seen as a Spanish artist because his interest lies in Spanish art , instead of in French art ‘ like everyone else' : in other words , within the accepted categories there is no room for a Mexican who is interested in Spanish art . '
2 Thus , the MSc in Education is not only seen as a regular part of the national system of educational in-service education in Scotland , but it has a strong international appeal .
3 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
4 And surely Isaiah Berlin was better seen as a liberal of the old school , a classic Millian , while Karl Popper arguably opened the way , via Lakatos , to Thomas Kuhn ?
5 While the above advantages are undeniable , and would all have a positive bearing on the regulation of insider dealing , self-regulation is better seen as a complement to , rather than as a replacement of , formal regulatory measures .
6 It can be better seen as a necessary precondition for the continuing existence , not of an individual , as is the case with hunger , but of the species .
7 Indeed , Darwin 's proposal is much better seen as a theory about the origin of adaptations than as a theory about the origin of species .
8 Statutory inquiries may be better seen as a form of mediation or consultation .
9 For these reasons , Coffin is perhaps better seen as a case in which the Divisional Court , contrary to the evidence , concluded that the situation was such that a breach of the peace was likely , and that the officers were seeking to prevent that at the time when the assault took place .
10 The Review always stood outside that lay literary world , or at least emphasized its academic distinction from it , and is in fact better seen as an enterprise typical of a new phase of academic English described by Gross in the following extract :
11 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
12 Jorge Risquet Valdés-Saldaña , a seasoned diplomat hitherto seen as a rising star in the party , was removed from the seven-strong PCC secretariat as part of the changes but retained his seat on the politburo which advised the secretariat .
13 Edward Bwanali , a veteran Minister hitherto seen as a possible successor to Banda , was dismissed from the Cabinet in the April reshuffle [ see p. 37558 ] , and in May was dismissed as MCP chairman for the populous southern region .
14 Miltiadis Evert , hitherto seen as a possible successor to Prime Minister Konstaninos Mitsotakis , was dismissed on Oct. 26 as Minister to the Prime Minister , a key post involving responsibility for intelligence and relations with the international media .
15 The confrontation with Iraq was accompanied by a radical change in the climate of GCC relations with Iran , hitherto seen as the principal security threat but now being discussed as a possible participant in a wider regional security framework .
16 As of mid-January , there was 50 per cent more over the northern hemisphere than Antarctica — hitherto seen as the focus of ozone depletion .
17 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
18 The position is naturally seen as a step towards full equity sharing partnership .
19 That was rightly seen as a ludicrously intransigent position .
20 We had unlimited German labour available , and also at our command their talent for organization , which is rightly seen as a German national characteristic .
21 The shamanic practices we have investigated are rightly seen as an archaic mysticism .
22 But the latter were clearly hopelessly reductionist in relation to a concept such as this which at once opens up the possible significances of what was once merely seen as the aesthetic .
23 In serving the interest of some rather than all , the 1988 Education Reform Act may come to be judged as an impediment to the creation of that equality of outcomes so long seen as an essential right of all citizens .
24 Since last year , homosexuals — so long seen as the weak link — can join the secret services .
25 The transsexual , once stabilized in the role long seen as the only natural one , may naturally want a normal family life .
26 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
27 The act was widely seen as a direct challenge to local representational democracy , and revealed much about the capacity of labourism to respond to perceived threats to its authority .
28 On December 18th Hoare resigned , to be replaced by Anthony Eden , widely seen as a champion of the League .
29 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
30 The contentious proposals have been under consideration for a number of years , says English Heritage , and are not principally attributable to its new director , the controversial Jocelyn Stevens , widely seen as a hardline , Thatcherite free marketeer .
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