Example sentences of "[adv] took [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
2 Which was which was that we did n't take the whole of the vacant dwellings , we only took a part , even though we are not aware of any planning policy that will restrict occupation of dwellings as second homes .
3 How it happened we do n't know but the flight-recorder said it only took a couple of minutes and the navigator confirmed this .
4 This was n't a major catastrophe , and it only took a minute to rectify , but it 's a clear case of poor quality control .
5 He just about could do , because as it turned out she only took a percentage , unlike the other two who got through the lot , but then Egan had more to leave hidden than Place .
6 ‘ Well Else read out this bit from a book by Billy Graham , The Secret of 'Appiness it 's called , where 'e says that a man told 'im 'e only took a bath once a week , and Billy Graham told 'im there was something wrong with 'is purity of heart . ’
7 It only took a moment to make up his mind .
8 RAIDERS at a Co-op in Milton Keynes , Bucks , only took a box of crisps past their sell-by date .
9 It only took an instant , yet when you look back into their eyes you know that they know that you did it , and you know that they know that you know that they know !
10 Lush J took a more accurate approach , it is submitted , in stressing that specific performance would not be granted " against mere mortgagees who only took an assignment by way of security " and that " It is impossible that specific performance of a contract can be decreed against a person with whom there is neither privity of contract nor privity of estate . "
11 They not only took the title away , but took my dream away .
12 I only took the King ! ’
13 Second , and even more striking , it only took the experience of one minority ( strictly speaking , in the case of James I , the absence of the king as an English prisoner ) to produce the remarkable expedient of the Act of Revocation , which every king thereafter passed when he came of age .
14 This not only took the edge off the bitter taste , but also gave the drink a warm , attractive colour that looked ( even if nothing else about it was similar ) something like the superior imported French wines .
15 " How is it you know so much when you only took the shop over last week ? "
16 Margaret Jones : ‘ He only took the job for his father 's sake because his father thought that all this business with groups and music could well be a passing fad and that at least if he spent a year or two at work , it would give him some stable grounding to fall back on .
17 He says he only took the job because the neon sign always cheers him up ; but the fact is he really needs the money .
18 I only took the term up because it was general conversation in the police force .
19 THE giraffe blinked , bent slowly forward and gingerly took the carrot from my outstretched arm .
20 But it suddenly took a flier and I knew I was in trouble .
21 Father Peter suddenly took the tankard away from his lips .
22 She alighted at Groppis , and inside took a seat beside an aristocratic-looking Lt Colonel , who had obviously been awaiting her .
23 Benedict looked at the hand , and pointedly took a chair on the other side of the room , lounging in a stance of deliberate contempt .
24 I was still wide awake an hour later so took a gulp of wine to help me sleep .
25 I was on duty for both the VE and VJ nights so took no part in either celebration .
26 My plea was wholly contained in the events barely a day old and swiftly took the Bench and the entire Court through the squirt of 174 cannon shells , the wounded , the flight engineer 's heroic effort in repairing the devastated controls twice , his treatment of the wounded and his immediate award of a DFM , which he had been celebrating .
27 Tammuz opened his mouth at Roirhak who merely took a sip of coffee .
28 In the first autumn of his premiership he not merely took a leap in the dark but decided upon an expedition into the profound obscurity of political outer space .
29 For what it 's worth , I merely took the opportunity to discuss a radio-related matter with him when we happened to meet because I 've kept missing him at work these last couple of days .
30 Louis , who was the one most able , physically , to intervene and demand that commonsense prevail , merely took the line of least resistance by remaining shtum ( quiet ) .
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