Example sentences of "[adv] being with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean my dear , I said to Paul , Paul yesterday was was babbling on about if Karen would take him back and I said Paul I shall be extremely displeased if you ever leave this house to go back to Karen , you know o after only being with me for something like three or four weeks , I said you 'll never come back again I said I 'm not going to be messed about like that !
2 But I could n't bear … just could n't bear … the idea of her being alive and me not being with her … ’
3 I wonder how he 's gon na find it not being with her .
4 ‘ It 's only when he 's round the corner I mind him not being with me .
5 I often missed Constanza , but not being with them both at the same time was easier .
6 Worse , she preferred the pain of being with him and knowing that he did n't return her feelings to the pain of not being with him at all .
7 ‘ You did n't tell the parents anything about my not being with you , did you ? ’
8 Meanwhile , my apologies for not being with you today and I look forward to a FANTASTIC reunion with you all at Crystal Palace in November .
9 The comfortable assumption that pupils would normally being with them to school the language which would be the medium of their education was , rather suddenly , no longer tenable .
10 Leonora felt better once she was in the taxi , particularly since Penry not only held her hand , but kept his arm round her for the entire journey , taking her mind very successfully off the evening ahead by the sheer joy of just being with him after a week apart .
11 just because we 're special type of thing , it 'll be OK cos he will be able to enjoy just being with us or not , as the case may be
12 ‘ Lady , the so-called strain of being a big star is nothing compared to the strain of just being with you , ’ he shot back .
13 With you I just wanted to savour the initial stages , step by step , to enjoy just being with you , whatever we were doing Besides , ’ he added very softly , his fingers stroking the back of her hand , ‘ you 're not frigid , my lovely .
14 The best Manchester bit is when he talks about still being with his wife — he looks dead guilty and starts feeling his nose in a very shifty manner indeed .
15 A school that develops a warm sense of well being with its pupils , even in the toughest neighbourhoods , suffers far less from casual , endless vandalism .
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