Example sentences of "[adv] those [v-ing] from " in BNC.

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1 Scientific Correspondence is a relatively informal section of Nature in which matters of general scientific interest , not necessarily those arising from papers appearing in Nature , are published .
2 As with the discussion of ethology and sociobiology , however , we shall simply be considering some of the main themes in this area ( especially those deriving from Freud ) and their possible links to the biological work we have just discussed .
3 Even in going concerns , the ghosts come back to haunt you through the flotsam of old files and folders , especially those emanating from some long-forgotten ‘ project ’ .
4 ‘ It does n't get any easier ’ , confessed Slack , a theme reiterated by quite a few during the competition , especially those playing from memories of yesteryear glories .
5 Often people become accustomed to odours especially those arising from works which have operated in a particular vicinity for a long time .
6 MOST VISITORS to Scotland intent on seeing the best of the scenery , and especially those coming from over the Border , tend to travel northwards in stages , halting often to view places already familiar or else recommended in guidebooks .
7 Some engineers and managers , especially those coming from municipal employment , found the new salaries they were offered higher than their pre-vesting salaries , but others found that they were expected to take a cut .
8 It has been his job to knock on the head any mutterings about this summer 's circus , notably those emanating from the Partito Sardo D'Azione , the Sardinian nationalist party , which proclaims sarcastically that it thought Sardinia 's days as a penal colony were long past .
9 The Munn Committee identified a number of problems with , and criticisms of , the traditional Scottish secondary curriculum , notably those arising from two major recent developments , the rapid expansion of comprehensive schools , and the raising of the school leaving age to 16 .
10 These included not only the psychiatric cases but also those suffering from tuberculosis ( nineteen patients in 1945 ) and others con fined to hospital for long periods .
11 Some pecuniary externalities are positive ( e.g. those arising from risk-sharing ) , while others are negative ( pre-emptive R&D can prevent rivals from realizing a positive return on their R&D ) .
12 Interestingly , amongst the 8- to 12-year-olds 30% were hypertensive , particularly those coming from single-parent families .
13 In fact , in his research , suicide attempters reported the most events , followed by people with depression , then those suffering from schizophrenia , and lastly the general population .
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