Example sentences of "[adv] those [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 I want to first of all express our extreme pleasure for having the arrangements that were made by our good English friends , especially those associated with the Three-Ninetieth missile , well I 'm sorry but I 'll get that missile straightened out , Three-Ninetieth Memorial Air Museum .
2 They include house designers and manufacturers , especially those concerned with the production of child safety equipment ( CAPT , 1986 ) , children 's furniture and toys ; and household products , especially commonly used chemicals and other potentially dangerous substances and articles .
3 Penal reformers , especially those concerned with children , have consequently argued for playing it down , and penal legislation ( again , mostly in relation to children ) has sometimes responded .
4 We start this chapter by discussing some of the early sociologists , especially those concerned with one of our main themes ; the impacts of widescale social change on human association .
5 Commercial firms , especially those concerned with pharmacological and nutritional products , employ a limited number of veterinary advisers both in this country and overseas ; and there are opportunities for giving technical assistance to developing countries under the auspices of either the Overseas Development Administration or one of the United Nations external aid agencies .
6 Both technology and its accompanying organizational forms , especially those concerned with increasing efficiency , are thus the result of essentially political choices : ‘ when people enter into relationships of production they are , at the same time , engaged in a political process out of which emerge structures of domination and subordination , mechanisms of social control and forms of exploitation ’ ( Johnson 1980 , p. 335 ) .
7 In other words , political faction as a regular and fundamental fact of Scottish political life burst fully into life after the death of James V , affecting not just those involved with the immediate concerns of central government but the kingdom as a whole .
8 In other fields — most notably those concerned with computers — both France and Britain have been far from successful .
9 In the century and a half prior to Gregory numerous saints ' Lives had been written , most notably those concerned with the Lérinian saints , Honoratus , Hilary of Arles and Caesarius , as well as those devoted to Germanus of Auxerre , the Jura Fathers , and Genovefa , the virgin saint of Paris .
10 Even more profound changes happened in the internal structures of the brachiopods , partly those concerned with supporting the lophophore — these changed from simple loops to complex ‘ doubled back ’ structures , or to fantastic spirals and whorls — all presumably designed to increase the ways of food-gathering , and its efficiency .
11 Similarly , many of the activities could be grouped under a generic support services heading , ie those concerned with organising indirect services such as finance , personnel and general administration etc .
12 Typing Services , particularly those involved with papers intended for publication , require to be more closely connected to copy preparation activities , as will those staff who do most of their own typing .
13 The src proto-oncogene contains two domains , called src homology 2 and 3 ( SH2 and SH3 ) , which are found within the structure of many other proteins , particularly those concerned with signal transduction .
14 It has also ensured that some of the proposals , particularly those concerned with improving access to health services , have been incorporated into the federal budget plans for 1992–3 and the five yearly hospital funding agreements between state and federal governments .
15 But even those unhappy with the pictures felt Fergie had been foolish .
16 Of course the sceptics and the doubters will sneer at the influence on the affair exercised by Dicky saying that the former route was unsuitable and geographically unstable , and they will point out that such conditions have been overcome in other parts , for example , the West Highland , the Liverpool and Manchester and the Settle and Carlisle , but then those conversant with Dicky o' Tunstead will continue to believe that it is his malign influence which kept the rails away from Tunstead Farm .
17 Hewitt ( 1989 : 139 ) , for example , writes : " most locals could more or less accurately tell the race of an unseen adolescent speaker — where non-locals or at least those unfamiliar with inner-London speech might report knowing only that Cockney was being spoken . "
18 The positive and negative externalities which have been identified thus far are likely to be rather different for research activities ( i.e. those concerned with the production of new information ) than they are for development activities ( i.e. those concerned with embodying new information into particular products ) , and they may change systematically over the life of any given collaborative programme .
19 The positive and negative externalities which have been identified thus far are likely to be rather different for research activities ( i.e. those concerned with the production of new information ) than they are for development activities ( i.e. those concerned with embodying new information into particular products ) , and they may change systematically over the life of any given collaborative programme .
20 There were noticeable omissions in some areas , primarily those concerned with administrative tasks .
21 Among policy areas , housing must clearly be responsive to demographic factors and therefore those concerned with housing should be aware of current demographic trends .
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