Example sentences of "[adv] just [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was enough just to look at them .
2 Brisk afternoon winds do blow , exciting passages are possible , and there are many coves where you can anchor alone just to relax in perfect peace .
3 At rehearsals , Les Cox agreed it would be wiser not to practise falling down the stairs as it was a skill which took months to acquire — better just to go for it on the night .
4 Yes , she did , but not just to live with someone , as was the vogue .
5 I do not expect much joy from the Minister tonight , but I give warning that , for the time I remain on these Benches , with the label on which I came here eight and a half years ago — as a Labour Member of Parliament , albeit a Member who has a label beneath his name on the TV as an expelled Labour Member — I shall bring before the House the necessary measures not just to talk about the death of the poll tax but to bury it once and for all .
6 The secret is not just to talk to them when you are trying to sell something .
7 ‘ It 's not just to do with surface .
8 The talisman will have become a docket , and a docket with a sinister purpose ; for the change is not just to conform with the requirements of the EC but signals a fundamental change of function .
9 The Holy Spirit is God 's gift to us , and he means us not just to read about him but to make use of him .
10 In particular , in this type of assessment it is important not just to think in terms of incremental cash flows above those currently being received , but also to bear in mind what the problems will be if no investment is undertaken .
11 He obviously has heeded Ruskin 's advice not just to look at things but to ‘ watch ’ them .
12 I 've come to walk with Beefy — not just to prove to myself that I can , but to bring this terrible disease out in the open .
13 What we are trying to argue for is to try to prevent the cost , the pain , the hurt that is experienced after a divorce by alerting people to the fact that a divorce wo n't solve all their problems , it will transfer one set of problems for another and our great concern in this report is to go back one step , not just to speak to people who are experiencing hurt , but in the hope that we can say something before it reaches the stage that it had reached when they came to you .
14 Which is why all the products in the range are carefully formulated , not just to work in isolation but to work together as a complete programme — repairing , cleansing , caring and styling .
15 I need time and space not just to get over the appalling things which have happened to me in which you do not seem to show much interest but also to think through where the two of us are at .
16 ‘ But when you go on telly there has to be some compromise , like I swear all the f—ing time , but that does n't bother me , I do n't feel like I 'm selling my life away just to get on the telly . ’
17 I said would it , in order now just to deal with the amendment on my own sir or support Mr at the same time ?
18 Now just to clarify in my mind about , here I 'm looking at the summary of your submission , you actually refer to the fact that sixty three hectares are required to meet the needs of the city , whereas I take it you say this morning that you 're happy with the forty six , er but in reality you can only get thirty three ac thirty three hectares within the city .
19 It scares me now just to think of it .
20 And Sheridan admitted : ‘ Chris has so much ability I have got to play well just to stay in the team .
21 It can be interesting and satisfying — even just to read about it !
22 I was n't put here just to live for others .
23 My Lord of Buckingham come to Templecombe thinking the relics might be hidden here , or maybe just to verify with Hopkins that what he had been told was the truth .
24 She felt deeply moved by this picture of his plight ; it exactly expressed how hard he was to understand , how hard just to talk to .
25 Hordes of hostile bicycle-rickshaw drivers would jeer at us — and it became quite hard just to walk through the streets .
26 I I do n't want to run out there just to sit in a house
27 It 'll be worth putting a couple of pavers on there just to cope with the track of the pa er the wheels going in .
28 ‘ I 'm sure I 'm there just to concentrate on coaching and I 'm sure that 's the first thing I need to look at ’ , Jenkins also said .
29 okay , okay erm yeah although normally you could do something like that while you can do that by phone you can call up and say yes we 're coming definitely just to get in touch and say it .
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