Example sentences of "[adv] only a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her whole idea of the world 's work was derived from what she observed there and had little in common with the circulation of the great city which toiled on only a hundred yards away .
2 We will , therefore , focus on only a few aspects , namely : primary insider trading , secondary insider trading ( tippee trading ) , tipping , and counselling and procuring others to commit an offence under the Act .
3 In sum , as societies become industrialized , so the family loses its range of functions and comes to concentrate on only a few .
4 Most early red-figure appears on only a few shapes : cups , and pots like the one-piece amphora ( figs. 86–7 ) , in which much of the pot was traditionally black and the extension of that to the background of the picture was an easy step and one which integrates the picture more fully with the pot .
5 Typically , councillors are part-time and serve on only a few committees .
6 Eventually as the rapids calm down I 'm swept to the river bank , exhausted , shaking , but mercifully only a little battered .
7 Two whole racks of lamb cooked out to just pink perfection in under 15 minutes and gave a markedly superior eating quality , and a best method for roasting a 4lb boned lamb averaged out over all tests with remarkably only an 8 per cent weight loss .
8 ‘ I was surprised at Steve , ’ said Dick , after watching the world junior champion clear only a paltry 2.05 metres on Sunday compared to double European Cup winner Grant 's 2.25 .
9 For it is becoming increasingly clear that a semantic theory alone can give us only a proportion , and perhaps only a small if essential proportion , of a general account of language understanding .
10 It 's a swings and roundabouts situation which perhaps only a locking nut cures completely , but again cost enters the picture , as indeed does personal preference .
11 A long time later , or perhaps only a few seconds , she thought she saw her father 's face white as paper , floating among the clouds , then it dissolved into the face of an elderly stranger bending over her .
12 This movement , perhaps only a few metres per hour , continues until the supply dies away at source , and the nose of the flow gradually slows down and stops , still and silent .
13 Although oceanic crust is consumed at destructive plate margins at very nearly the same rate at which it is created at constructive plate margins , a small proportion of mantle material — perhaps only a few per cent — is involved in the generation of andesite magmas at destructive plate margins , and contributes to the volcanic rocks erupted at the surface .
14 For the widow of a younger man or of one who has not been paying into a personal pension scheme for very long , this could be a very small amount — perhaps only a few hundred pounds a year .
15 Perhaps only a few applied for this job .
16 There is then a pause of perhaps only a few seconds , a semaphore drops , a gleaming red light changes to green , and the long goods train moves out on its journey .
17 Potentially , RISC programs may have an even larger number of calls since the complex instructions found in CISCs are subroutines in RISC I. Thus the procedure call must be as short as possible , perhaps only a few jumps .
18 Ms Fitzgerald puts initial demand at perhaps only a dozen companies in the US , but adds that they are leading edge customers which other potential users will be watching carefully .
19 They write on the blackboard steadily , with perhaps only an occasional brief explanation , developing the classical derivation of some fundamental relationship necessary to the understanding of the subject .
20 ‘ I only had my little Fender Super Reverb , which was basically only a 35 watt amp — undistorted it 's about 25 watts — so I could n't handle it . ’
21 Obviously only a small portion of these neutrinos will come in the Earth 's direction , but still we ought to be in the path of about 80 billion billion billion neutrinos per second .
22 Despite the apparent decisiveness of Adenauer 's foreign policy , therefore , some have argued that there lay a fundamental ambivalence at the bottom of it , symbolised by the choice of his home town , Bonn , as the new capital : it represented Western orientation all right but , at the same time , it was very obviously only a provisional arrangement .
23 This discreteness is due to the need to fit a whole number of half wavelengths along the length of the string , for which there is obviously only an enumerable number of possibilities .
24 Furthermore only a few days later , 20th July 1757 , a new lease was made out to Thomas Gunson the treasurer , all of the others ( including a new name , that of George Frears ) having sold out to him for , and in consideration of the princely sum of five shillings !
25 So I went back to alight indicator , pulled down only a few inches , which was enough to allow the bream to suck the bait to their lips , and then I paused for a few seconds while I watched the line from the rod-tip tightening in the water .
26 The central character is so consistently developed that the audience take it for granted the house will fall down only a few weeks after he has started [ sic ] to live in it . ’
27 That is , we were together only a short time , and … ’
28 This account of how aircraft accident investigations are conducted , or should be conducted , in the field is necessarily only a brief outline of what can take place and does not include much of the work that goes on when the wreckage is examined in detail in a hangar , or in the case of AIB at their substantial facility at Farnborough .
29 Experiments using lasers give very accurate results ; they are also extremely sensitive , so only a small number of atoms are required .
30 The cranes were unable to move around the yard with the lifeboats , so only a small part of the depot area could be used for this work .
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