Example sentences of "[adv] more [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , as I have said before , the further away we get from the original blueprint formula , the more scope there is for books that do less in some directions and perhaps more in others than the standard design would seem to indicate as being possible .
2 Agronomic techniques of conservation are perhaps more in terms of preventing the start of the process of removal of soil particles , by the introduction of farming practices which will provide stable yields through time .
3 She 'd already found out much more about Puddephat than she 'd hoped — she 'd even got a promising suspect in the shape of Theo Sykes — and there was no point in banging on about her non-existent book outline .
4 The most important problem , however , that set-aside presents us with — I know that my right hon. Friend will relish tackling it — is that Mr. MacSharry must be told that any reform of the common agricultural policy must ensure that set-aside takes environmental factors much more into account .
5 They are much more at home with stimulation .
6 By placing one foot behind the other , as in figure B , the standing position can be very much improved , resulting in our whole structure being much more at ease .
7 Her concerns are much closer to home , much more for people and individuals than cosmic matters , which provides a perfect foil for her husband .
8 There are carved wooden picture frames , fabrics , sandalwood garlands , screens , antiques , basketware and much more for sale , as well as the items shown here : tobacco boxes from £34.95 , camel pots from £25 and a huge selection of jewellery .
9 But it , too , addresses itself much more to feminism than to psychology .
10 We need to ensure that we get a ferry between Rathlin and Ballycastle which can operatate the whole year round and open the island much more to tourist traffic and economic development .
11 You see them much more as people , you know their interests much more than if they are just there listening to the lesson and so in a way this open access to the teacher , I think , although at times it does give extra pressure in the long run I think it 's tremendously beneficial .
12 Wes asks if Wild Boar tastes like pork , Tracy says its much more like game .
13 It was finally much more like biography than the autobiography it purported to be ; patently more concealed lesson than true confession .
14 And she could still feel the moment when hope , as his face had bent towards her , had melted into an emotion much more like disappointment .
15 This tips the balance much more in favour of the prey and sends most attackers lurching towards the wrong end of the body .
16 ( It ) emphasises the interaction between the economy and the environment and , if sustainable principles are to be embraced , then there is a need to shift the balance of considerations much more in favour of the environment than hitherto .
17 Nimble , quick-witted , playful , pugnacious , slimline , devious , wild at heart , Flanagan 's hares were much more in tune with the dashing entrepreneurial spirit of the Eighties than Henry Moore 's corpulent corporate monoliths , which were the accepted sculptural logos of the Fifties and Sixties .
18 Actuaries will be in the public eye much more in future .
19 Sometimes psychoanalysis claims to be a genuinely scientific activity , in contrast to , say , Jungian mystagogy ; at other times , when confronting the proponents of a hard scientific approach to psychology , like behaviourism , psychoanalysis presents itself much more in terms of myth and metaphor and explanatory fictions .
20 In the past , human beings lived closer to , and were much more in touch with , nature .
21 We might get a thousand or so more from Hartlepool but if we were in the First Division we 'd struggle to get 7,000 .
22 However , many philosophers today would probably go along more with Hare 's original position and say that although Kant may well have answered the third sort of question ( page 98 ) well , he has not adequately answered the second ( still less , it would generally be thought , the first ) .
23 They were all more like animals than human , were n't they ?
24 The Food of the Gods , The World Set Free , Men Like Gods , and The Shape of Things to Come become progressively more like tracts .
25 Only Trethowan 's name was omitted , presumably more for reasons of his public reputation as an interviewer and commentator than for any lack of enthusiasm for the Conservative cause .
26 This was presumably more in protest than in expectation that the campaign would be stopped ( Evans , 1983 , p. 93 ) .
27 Other considerations of siting relate rather more to towns , and they are not considered in this book .
28 Those from white collar and skilled manual backgrounds benefited rather more from education and emerged to do clerical and apprenticeship training with a ‘ short term career ’ orientation .
29 We have seen how many of the excavations of medieval settlements have revealed no Saxon settlements beneath , and that most of the Anglo-Saxon settlements , despite the title used in excavation reports , are not villages but rather more like hamlets ( Fig.31 ) .
30 A metal behaves rather more like Plasticine .
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