Example sentences of "[adv] have be any " in BNC.

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1 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
2 His unhappiness should not have been any great surprise , as St John 's was known as a high Anglican school , elitist and exclusive .
3 Sir Frank also acknowledges that British ships had not been adequately defended against Exocet , and that there could not have been any control over its sale to third parties as British firms supplied only components .
4 On the other hand , if he had n't been so keen on interfering there would not have been any tension because she would not have been here or even in France at all .
5 Physically she would not have been any match for Fen .
6 It seems little short of incredible now that such a talent should not have been any source of income for half a century after she left art school , but heartening that the lack of any fiscal reward and only intermittent recognition from her peers made no impact on her creative energies .
7 There can hardly have been any business sector with so many strong contenders for it as the banking sector .
8 So would she really have been any less affected if it had happened to her now , at the age of twenty-five ?
9 If he 'd been an ordinary man , there would n't have been any problem . ’
10 Defending solicitor Bob Booker told the court : ‘ If the grating which surrounds the washing area had been clear there should n't have been any problems .
11 She swung round to him , grinding out in a low voice , ‘ She must n't have been any beginner , not goin , by the uncles the child 's had .
12 I was propositioned by this absolutely stunning girl who could n't have been any more than seventeen .
13 There would n't have been any planets or stars then .
14 There would n't have been any point anyway .
15 We shafted Connelly when we took his shipment of coke but a gang war would n't have been any use to either of us .
16 Perhaps it was the way the horizon curved upwards on all sides , like a bowl , or the way gravity worked when there should n't have been any .
17 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
18 If I could have answered all the questions it would n't have been any fun at all .
19 THERE could n't have been any doubt of ’ innovative thinking after managing director presented this packet of breakfast cereal at the Financial Times Food & Drink Conference in March .
20 ‘ There would n't have been any point would there ?
21 ‘ But there would n't have been any damage to my property if they had fixed the damp in the first place a year ago . ’
22 At least , in the circumstances of this play , things certainly would n't have been any better had Marco not acted in this way , and they may have been worse .
23 Mm , so it would n't have been any good going in .
24 With mum Carol 's heritage it could never have been any other way — her roots , after all , lay thousands of miles away in Wales , the Land of Song .
25 It may even be fair to say that if this were not so , then surely there would never have been any life experience at all .
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