Example sentences of "[adv] have to be " in BNC.

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1 However , a great many books that , if one were tabulating them by content , would perhaps have to be called why-dun-its still have in them considerable elements of other sub-genres .
2 You would quite literally have to be a practising Satanist gone stupid from self-abuse to not know that ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ says more to you about your life than , ooh , lots of other camp ironic pop singers we could mention .
3 To be completely consistent perhaps Gandhi would not only have to be opposed to the killing of animals for food , but also to the killing of disease-carrying rats , mosquitoes , and venomous snakes , and those forms of plant life that are essential to a vegetarian diet .
4 An alkali will obviously have to be introduced to neutralise the acid and I am toying with the idea of lime in one form or another .
5 It could be a fixed amount ( it would obviously have to be something substantially higher than the DM500,000 limit per examination currently applicable to statutory examinations in Germany ) or based on a multiple of fees .
6 I 'm not sure sure how we could build it into the criteria of But it 's it 's a point which would obviously have to be borne in mind in terms of the str you know , the planning process .
7 So some of those are items you ca n't satisfy what you need , anyway , so it 's gon na obviously have to be , somebody 's got to go and satisfy some of those .
8 Hence , worthwhile projects may not proceed or may be unnecessarily delayed , and plans may suddenly have to be changed when constraints are tightened ( see also Likierman , 1984 ) .
9 Everybody has their own style and tone , and we do n't all have to be clones one and another .
10 Poets do not necessarily have to be commentators on the historic present ; there is a world within as well as a world without .
11 This coupling might not displace your favoured recording of either concerto , but it is worth attention for Accardo 's emphatic proof that you do not necessarily have to be English to interpret English music .
12 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
13 ( Paul insists that the answer to this question does not necessarily have to be PRS .
14 Now remember that a helicopter , unlike a conventional aircraft , does not necessarily have to be pointing in the direction that it is moving and that the pilot must tell the tail where to go at all times .
15 This , however , is a lesson to the Smashing Pumpkins and Alice In Chains of this world that you can be '70s , you can smother your records with guitars and you can play loud like you were Hendrix but you do n't necessarily have to be boring , or totally lumbering to do it .
16 And third , because this picture will necessarily have to be very general , I shall consider some particular groups of teachers , and the way things look to them .
17 Does it necessarily have to be the sharing of bread and wine ?
18 The movies had become a story-telling medium , and , as had been the case with earlier fictional forms such as the melodrama and the ‘ dime novel ’ , the stories would necessarily have to be given a recognizable social setting .
19 Exercise does not necessarily have to be very vigorous , but it does need to be regular , and for a significant duration .
20 The generality of application or the audi alteram partem maxim , and its flexibility in operation , were brought out by Lord Loreburn L.C. , who stated that the maxim applied to ‘ everyone who decides anything , ’ while recognising also that the manner in which a person 's case was heard did not necessarily have to be the same as an ordinary trial .
21 Another point illustrated by the trees is that arms races do not necessarily have to be between members of different species .
22 These will necessarily have to be spread over the next five or six years as , and when , resources become available .
23 The Committee for Arts and Social Studies confirmed at its third meeting , in April 1966 , that ‘ it was established that courses submitted to the Council would not necessarily have to be directly vocational in nature ’ .
24 In automated office systems there may be a unique record but earlier versions of it do not necessarily have to be stored .
25 It may be appropriate for these matters to be dealt with in a covering letter as they do not necessarily have to be disclosed to our opponents .
26 We will need to disclose your report to our opponents , and so please include in a covering letter any comments you may have about any contribution our client may have made to the accident as these do not necessarily have to be disclosed .
27 Apart from the fact that a possible-worlds approach inevitably runs into problems if it insists on the logical completeness of fictional universes , it seems to me that what is a valid issue in logic does not necessarily have to be a valid issue in poetics and narratology .
28 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
29 One of these beliefs may be racial superiority , but does not have to be .
30 The beauty of glass , he wrote , is this , that the surface does not have to be covered .
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