Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is also a small late building on a totally different alignment ( almost east-west ) which could perhaps have been a small Christian shrine , erected to counteract pagan influence .
2 Next week , if the plot had not been uncovered , it would apparently have been the turn of his white comrade , Joe Slovo .
3 As this met the requirements of the hotel , serving customers would merely have been a needless waste of effort and resources which could be profitably siphoned off elsewhere .
4 If the question of professional misconduct had been pursued the issue would not merely have been the efficacy of the Code but the power of the employer against the strength and stature of the profession , and thence the credibility of the profession .
5 Now , I do n't think we know what was the exact Sterling equivalent of the fall in our reserves during the last financial year , but it can only have been a minority of that total of £1and1/2 ; billion of public expenditure which was met neither by the product of taxation nor by borrowing from the public .
6 Zen 's barking background could only have been a big plus the day he found a newborn baby whose entire experience of life was going to be lying abandoned for a few hours by a creek near Plymouth .
7 But even at this date the alteration in emphasis can only have been a conscious attempt to attune to the wider audience , if still at that time mainly within Bavaria , which was beginning to show interest in Hitler in 1923 , and an awareness that anti-Marxism had a wider potential appeal than the mere repetition of anti-Jewish paroxysms of hate .
8 For these , it seems obvious , Hitler 's public association with the radical ‘ solution of the Jewish Question ’ and the linking of the Führer to the widespread knowledge and rumours of the extermination of the Jews in the east , can only have been a further negative feature of his image .
9 Our respective manners proved so widely different , that it would have been quite presumptuous in me to do anything but separate from an undertaking upon which I could only have been a clog . ’
10 Such an equilibrium could only have been a temporary one , being based upon the fear of a common enemy , rather than on a positive material joint interest .
11 Maybe I was worried that someone else would read my diary , but if so this worry could only have been a slight one : I was much too careful to afford anyone the opportunity to snoop .
12 The French had obviously suffered a debâcle but , in itself , the opening up of the frontier with China might only have been a prelude to Chinese invasion and ensuing catastrophe .
13 And so it was that she died alone in a mental hospital — as Eliot told Violet Schiff , one of the few who had known them both from their earliest days together , death could only have been a deliverance for her .
14 Rune muttered what could only have been a string of invective in his own language as he released his hold on her .
15 The South Saxons whose numbers we shall never know with any accuracy , built up a complex Wealden farming system , backed by a communication network that can only have been an extension of the lesser economic roads of the Romano-Britons .
16 It could only have been an up-front internal explosion . ’
17 Even so , she felt sure that it was something to do with her , that there should only have been the Maxwell girl there .
18 Between these extremes conditions varied endlessly , with so many towns sharing the social structure of their rural environments that cases of exceptional wealth can only have been the outcome of special circumstances .
19 This in turn suggests that class politics of the old sort may only have been the politics of modernism in its classic , now discredited phase .
20 It might only have been the light reflected from his costume , yet once again he seemed embarrassed by her presence .
21 It may only have been the milestone of hitting thirty , but I could n't help feeling that it was proof that life was passing me by .
22 Just before ten o'clock , in the stillness of the night , I heard the noise of a motor car : it could only have been the doctor 's .
23 ‘ It can only have been the smell of the mothballs . ’
24 Knives would obviously have been the most common tool in everyday life , being useful for numerous functions .
25 The most important would obviously have been the particular use of a vessel in the pantry or kitchen , on the dining table , or for drinking .
26 Because of this view I have , I believe Alfieri need not necessarily have been a lawyer as almost any other outsider would have done the job just as well .
27 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
28 A symbol which is a male symbol appears in our culture to represent maleness , in a way in which earlier this may not necessarily have been the case .
29 I think its a bit of a simplification to say that its , its nature 's way of keeping us going , because actually er ro , the idea that romantic love is the start of a life long relationship that produces off spring is really quite recent , erm for , for most of history er marriage 's were on the basis of continuing er lines , continuing property and people had to erm some how or other cope with living with ano another person that might not necessarily have been the person that they would of chosen from love and , and this is still true in many societies and situations now .
30 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
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