Example sentences of "[adv] into her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want your magic in my arms , your head on my pillow , ’ he murmured thickly into her mouth .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , ‘ how — how jolly , ’ and then she put her spoon suddenly into her ice cream and the whole glistening thing slid smoothly off her plate on to the shining red table .
3 She stared thoughtfully into her lemon squash .
4 It occurred to her that the way she was holding Peach was the way a woman holds a baby and she lowered him gently into her lap .
5 ‘ Death is waiting for me no less , ’ he said low and gently into her ear , ‘ and for you .
6 He pressed his fingers gently into her shoulders .
7 Theda sat on the bed and took the fingers gently into her hand .
8 She stared down into her drink .
9 She looked down into her drink and answered evasively , ‘ I suppose I could have gone back to Darlington , but I preferred to stay down here . ’
10 and she sinks down into her incontinence .
11 She could feel him shaking , the tremors running down into her arms .
12 Shiona frowned and stared down into her champagne glass .
13 Her heart had sunk down into her shoes .
14 She sat on the edge of the bed , looked down into her lap , and felt great tears run out of her eyes .
15 Jane Postlethwaite looked down into her lap .
16 ‘ You — you — ’ Her hand shot up and Nicolo caught hold of it and twisted it down into her lap .
17 She looked down into her lap , plucked a blade of grass , and twisted it in her fingers .
18 As she stroked and caressed his own fingertips traced spirals of fire down into her groin .
19 She nearly gasped with dismay at the shock that shivered down into her tummy .
20 She takes a second hit , hauls a bullet of dope down into her lungs and continues .
21 He took a toke on it and , putting his mouth over hers , breathed the smoke down into her lungs .
22 ‘ Of course , ’ she murmured , and smiled to show that her heart had not just sunk down into her boots .
23 Then she flung herself down into her pillows and gave way to tears of frustration and rage .
24 right down into her tubes .
25 Wrenching her gaze from his still face , she stared down into her cup .
26 Finally Dad pulled her down into her seat .
27 She dropped the inch or two down into her seat again as the train began to move .
28 Ruth slumped down into her seat , drained by all that had happened .
29 She looked down into her beer .
30 Ruth stared down into her wine and spoke softly .
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