Example sentences of "[adv] into his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oscar reached gingerly into his trouser pocket and teased out a fresh handkerchief .
2 There was a moment , as she felt the release from the flimsy protection of her undergarments , when it seemed as if something yet might stop him in the tidal wave of passion , but his intention overwhelmed any such hesitation , and with a moan of desire she put herself entirely into his hands .
3 Mind you — ’ he gazed thoughtfully into his cup ‘ — I do n't think it 's easy for a girl .
4 ‘ Yeah , we knocked about a bit , ’ Yanto replied and looked thoughtfully into his beer .
5 Byron tipped it gently into his brandy Shelley consented to having a draught in wine .
6 " Go to sleep with me for a while , " he said , and he took her gently into his arms .
7 Then he lay down beside her , and drew her gently into his arms .
8 Guy stood up abruptly and took the glass from her nerveless fingers , drawing her up and pulling her very gently into his arms .
9 Once more she stood gazing out over the garden , but this time everything seemed different — so different that when he took her gently into his arms it was so natural that she made no attempt to draw back .
10 She reached out to him and he took her gently into his arms .
11 Cover his mouth and nose with your mouth , and breathe gently into his lungs , making the chest rise .
12 A short stab of icy wind made him huddle deeper into his cloak and he stirred to keep the hot blood flowing through his veins .
13 For those brave enough to delve deeper into his works , many of which feature posses of short-haired young men stripped to the waist and invariably fighting a police state , a surprising number are available from the more imaginative video shops .
14 IN THE course of our lives , events take place , with which the passage of time , we come to realise are like milestones ; they have pointed us in a new direction , often posing a challenge which in the providence of God , when accepted , leads us deeper into his life and service .
15 ‘ Yes , ’ Cranston stuck his fiery red nose deeper into his tankard , slurping noisily , ‘ they were sent after us .
16 Billy did n't bother to answer , he just raised his thumb in agreement and snuggled even deeper into his coat .
17 ‘ Tighter ! ’ she said , wriggling deeper into his embrace .
18 He believed that Resenence Jeopardy had penetrated deeper into his soul than that .
19 ‘ Oh , sure , ’ he says , sliding down into his armchair and putting his feet on the bookcase — he is not wearing socks , Howard notices .
20 ‘ I hope you 're not shy , darling , ’ she said , kicking off her high-heeled slippers and snuggling sensuously down into his armchair .
21 And people say they noticed how tightly O was holding Boy , pulling him closer and closer to him , as if he was clutching at him ; and how he smelt Boy too , taking in big draughts of the air around him , as if he was a man just escaped from drowning holding onto something and pulling the sweet night air down into his lungs in great grateful gulps .
22 As he walked out into the silent white world Michael was glad of the freezing cold that seemed to cut down into his lungs .
23 The drink made his lips and tongue tingle ; his throat felt sore and the fumes went up his nose and down into his lungs .
24 ‘ You know I ca n't , damn you , ’ she conceded anguishedly , appalled by her vulnerability as he drew her down into his arms .
25 He tugged her down into his arms .
26 Jed looked down into his drink .
27 Deep sobs were shaking Lachlan , and abruptly he swung round to clasp Farquhar in his arms , the tears streaming down into his beard .
28 She looked across at her father and was shocked to see that tears were streaming down into his beard .
29 All those gloating women looking down into his grave , whispering their sisterly secrets behind their sly smiles .
30 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
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