Example sentences of "[adv] when it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 They continue to fall away alarmingly when it comes to formal examinations and so decrease their own chances of gaining stimulating and challenging employment .
2 I mean the management are quite prepared to stick together when it comes to getting grants as the Ffestiniog Slate Company .
3 What they do not see , of course , are the tears at the sheer frustration of it all when it hits home at two in the morning .
4 The humble raisin has been around for at least 2,000 years , but it has n't always been very popular — particularly in the US where novelty is all when it comes to food .
5 When the War Altar charges into combat ( and only when it charges ) the sounding of the Horn strikes terror into the charged enemy unit .
6 And there is also the question of male bias in the construction of political agendas and the common expectation that the woman 's voice in politics should speak on ‘ family and women 's issues ’ and then only when it does not threaten the interests of men .
7 In-service training is desirable only when it fulfils a felt need .
8 States formulate their policies in a moral language only when it suits them and only in whatever form best cloaks and serves their interests .
9 Only when it suits you .
10 Fokine said that every ‘ phrase of his dance was a gesture ’ , and explained : ‘ Undoubtedly an arabesque has many meanings but only when it appears as an idealised gesture .
11 ‘ They only make love on the twenty-ninth of February , ’ said Hyacinth , ‘ and then only when it rains . ’
12 The UK government will issue health warnings about low-level ozone pollution only when it reaches 200 parts per billion — more than twice the safety threshold of 75 parts per billion set by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .
13 Mr Delors claims that ‘ binding procedures ’ do not break the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ — the idea that decisions should be taken at EC level only when it makes sense to do so .
14 That 's brilliant but that 's only when it makes an E sound .
15 Only when it comes to the nuclear deterrent or matters of top intelligence-gathering is the short-term commercial approach deliberately shelved .
16 And not only when it comes to promotions . "
17 If the trouble has started and does not look like stopping , the best solution is to provide an immaculately clean tray of fresh litter , place it in a quiet corner , and then shut the animal up in that particular room , releasing it only when it has used the tray in the approved manner .
18 In May , 1991 , the Digital Information Group 's Software Industry Bulletin reported that SelecTronics expects to report a ‘ significant loss ’ for its financial year ended 31 March and that it is restructuring its business so that it manufactures handheld devices only when it has firm orders from its distribution channels .
19 Only when it has been determined that the accumulation on the land is a deliberate one , need the court consider whether the defendant 's user is non-natural .
20 Only when it has been chewed up almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen , and on through the gut .
21 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
22 To make matters even more complicated , there are two quite distinct kinds of mood-change , for the cat 's pupils will become greatly enlarged not only when it sees something pleasant but also when it sees something terribly threatening .
23 He said that the government would consider developing community radio only when it knows the outcome of the 1984 conference .
24 Only when it needs a custom development platform should an organisation opt for the really new stuff .
25 A water meter operated softner regenerates after a predetermined volume of water has been softened , the benefit of this method being that it is very salt efficient since the unit regenerates only when it needs to .
26 Ah but , but only when it 's realized it , it 's gone too far .
27 Stress becomes harmful only when it exceeds our ability to cope with the situation , or when it continues unrelieved over a prolonged period .
28 ( The RSV seems clear enough when it speaks of them looking into the ark ( 6.19 ) , but the Hebrew will not really bear that sense , and would suggest they merely looked at it .
29 To be fair , the diagram turned up on page 45 and , anyway , the Alpha 2.0 proves straightforward enough when it comes to hooking up to a power amp , combo or mixer .
30 It seems that a butterfly simply automatically backs down when it meets an owner .
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